Mikee of SiKTH Interview

Mikee of SiKTH Interview

6th October 2016 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch
Mikee of SiKTH very kindly took some time out to answer a few questions

So you guys are releasing your 10th anniversary edition of Death of a Dead Day on the 30th September, that’s an incredible achievement how excited are you to see how it goes?
Well yea, releasing an album ten years later means it meant a lot to people. That’s what you want from your music . I still think it sounds fresh and it was not released in a lot of different countries, so let’s see.

You have a pretty unique style, how did you develop that? Was it just a natural progression or was it taught?
It’s more of a mindset to create something new. What you strive for . Not taking influence directly, thinking outside the box as it were. We always want to create our own sound.
The buzz on your rerelease is incredible from social media, what made you decide on Flogging the Horses, Part of the Friction and Where Do We Fall to be added as bonus tracks?

We recorded those as demos for that album. So it was a simple choice. 

How do you think that the industry has changed since you started and how would you like to see it change in the future? 

Well it fell apart and has almost died. I would like to see it built up again, there are a few awesome labels still going but it’s so hard for them nowadays. I don’t know how they can build again, it’s a lot to do with the public and if they are willing to let it build again and to help it. 
A lot has changed within the band as well since you first released Death of a Dead Day especially the change in vocalists, how did you cope as a band through that and Joe, how are you finding it?

It’s obviously very different with Joe in the band. Myself and Justin became good friends in the reformation. So it’s tough. But in general the band gets on getter than before.

Sikth 2015. Tina Korhonen 2015. www.tina-k.com

Thinking of comparisons, how does your first ever show compare with your shows now?

Wow you just brought me back to the White Horse year 2000. Then the first with recognised line up in the summer of 2001 at the Horseshoe in Portsmouth. They are a lot different when people know your songs. Obviously when you play bigger headline shows it’s a trip to see.

It’s awesome that you’ve played some huge festivals like Download and toured with the likes of Slipknot. If you could tour with anyone else and play any other festival who and what would it be?

I personally would love to tour with Primus and also Korn. We are a band who could tour with a lot of bands for our sound. Would love to play a festival in Australia. Would also love to play more shows with our new friends Periphery.

Do you have any bizarre pre show rituals or requests?

I talk to myself a lot and pace up and down. That’s psyching myself up. Nothing too bizarre.

We’ve heard some pretty wild stories of strange things happening on tours, what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen?

First thing that comes to mind is leaving Dan Foord at a service station and driving Durban hour through the desert in America! He didn’t have his phone so had to ask a lady to use her phone, login to his email and message our managers back in uk. 

So many bands have said that you have influenced their music, how does it feel it be an inspiration to the next generation of musicians?

It’s great , it’s an honour to influence others. Glad our music means so much. It shocked me how many people knew us in America .

Who influenced you to become musicians?

Well all like different bands when growing up. We all loved Pantera, Guns n Roses, Metallica etc. Great to be influenced but not to be influenced directly.What can we expect next from you?

Will you be looking at touring in any other countries or releasing any new material?

We really want to tour Europe soon, then Australia. Obviously we want to go back to Japan, Nepal , India and really want to be back in USA. We aim to record an album for next year. So let’s see.

It’s pretty safe to say that everyone has at least one guilty pleasure song but what would yours be?

I quite like the Bee Gees – Words
Outside of music, what are you most likely to be doing in your spare time?

Well I make music videos, do character voiceovers and many other things. In my personal life I mainly watch and play football and support Watford fc.
Do you have any message for your fans?

Have a great winter and thank you all!  

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