Japanese Noise Legend MERZBOW Mutilates MORTIIS on latest single

Japanese Noise Legend MERZBOW Mutilates MORTIIS on latest single

10th April 2017 0 By Jon Deaux
The latest single from Mortiis’ The Great Corrupter album comes courtesy of the Japanese dark ambient-noise artist Merzbow, who twists ‘Bleed Like You’ into a completely new form.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/315916624″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] “This is not a remix – it´s abuse,”  “The good kind. If you prefer your music traditional, and your audio all pleasant and polished, you should consider walking away now. It is Merzbow mutilating Mortiis. I never really thought that that was going happen, and I don´t think anyone else did either!” says Mortiis.

Much like his own original recordings, Merzbow’s interpretation of ‘Bleed Like You’ is an instrumental attack on the senses. In addition to a lengthy list of recordings, the highly-respected, prolific artist is also a respected writer who has dabbled in various other art mediums.

“We’ve been trying to think a bit different art-wise for the last few singles. “I thought the time was right to try art directions that were not typical of Mortiis to take. The Merzbow remix single art is another idea I’ve had for a long time. As usual, it’s morphed from the original idea, into a different beast almost entirely, in time. But what else is new?” continues Mortiis.

Mortiis’ ‘The Great Corrupter’, due for release on April 21, is a collection of tracks from The Great Deceiver album, deconstructed and masterfully “corrupted.” Other artists tapped for remixes include Chris Vrenna, Rhys Fulber, Die Krupps, John Fryer, GODFLESH, Apoptygma Berzerk, In Slaughter Natives, Raison D´Etre, PIG, and many more. The record will also contain unreleased material from the original recording sessions.

Each of the record’s formats will be as its own art package with collectible artwork, including limited edition colored vinyl and a limited edition DVD sized double-CD Digipak with additional exclusive remixes and many other extras.

Pre orders are available now from:

Amazon UK 

Itunes UK

Mortiis webstore 

The official Mortiis webstore is now open at: https://mortiiswebstore.com. Besides the upcoming remix album, fans can also purchase limited edition vinyl, CD, exclusive cassettes, shirts and more. Mortiis has also opened a webstore at the band’s official Bandcamp site, which in addition to the same merch, also offers free downloads with most of the merch purchased: https://mortiis.bandcamp.com.





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