19th June 2024 0 By Jon Deaux

Since 2009 Polar has created a relentless, chaotic, and raw sound which is matched with a notoriously energetic live show.  For the last 15 years Polar have given everything to build a strong reputation and become a force to be reckoned with. In 2023 Polar went through a major line-up change leaving founding member Adam Woodford (singer) to carry the torch as the relationship between past members dissolved. Determined to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive, Adam Woodford rebuilt Polar bringing on board Stefan Whiting (Bass), Bruno Consani (Guitar), Simon Richardson (Guitar), and Max Flohr (Drums) with the focus to give Polar a whole new lease of life.

With a fresh new perspective and positivity, the newly formed Polar have played the main stage at Resurrection Festival, completed European and UK tours and have written and recorded Polar’s 6th studio album with producer Jack Murphy (Crystal Sound Studios) ‘Five Arrows’ which goes deep into the subject of the destructive power of change, which Polar regard as their strongest work to date.  With Polar finding a new positivity and determination, the band truly feels unstoppable and continue to grow from strength to strength.  Polar are stronger than they have ever been and nothing will get in their way.

The band continue their new album cycle with the release of ‘Swimming With Sharks’ which is out on Arising Empire Records on the 20th of June 2024. Over the cycle the band has already had support from Consequence, Revolver, Knotfest, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, Distorted Sound Magazine, and many other publications. 

Adam Woodford – “The lyrical concept of this song came to me early on after the band went through its lineup change. It was a very low and weak moment for me and the band – honestly, there was a shared view of hoping that the band wouldn’t survive, and continuation had left the band wide open to be torn apart. It was such a raw and deep feeling for me, and I wanted to convey this lyrically in a song. I used the imagery that the band was an injured person in the abyss of the ocean being pursued by sharks as they could smell my blood waiting for its time to attack. The song has a feel of desperation and the determination to survive before you are swallowed whole”

SWS Pre-save – https://arisingempire.com/swimmingwithsharks

The band has already announced the following European shows with ACCVSED* this year too, and have lots more to come on the live front!


26.06.24 (DE) Bochum – Die Trompete*

27.06.24 (DE) Leipzig – Moritzbastei*

28.06.24 (CZ) Mighty Sounds Festival

29.06.24 (DE) Dresden – Chemiefabrik

30.06.24 (DE) Frankfurt – Das Bett*

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