Crash the Calm tackles the darkest sides of addiciton with new single “Sleep on the Floor”

Crash the Calm tackles the darkest sides of addiciton with new single “Sleep on the Floor”

21st September 2024 0 By Jon Deaux

New York’s Crash the Calm are back with their latest single, Sleep on the Floor – exploring themes of addiction, homelessness, and lost potential while critiquing society’s indifference and lack of support for mental health and addiction issues. 


““Sleep on the Floor” follows an ambiguous narrative of someone dealing with addiction and homelessness. Referencing lost potential, desperation, and unrealized dreams. Alongside this narrative is a parallel commentary on the lack of affordable, public, and accessible mental health/addiction support. As well as the devolution of compassion, humane consideration, and society’s mental decoupling of viewing themselves as virtuous and good while being complacent and dismissive in the treatment of their fellow human beings. This is presented with a hopeless “is this the best we can do?” Implying the answer to such a complex issue is not something we, nor this song contain. This highlights the point that possibly the people making policy decisions aren’t qualified to do so, as their hypothetical verbiage is mocked in the chorus “I believe we’re trending, closer to disaster.” -Crash the Calm


Crash The Calm formed in 2014 and quickly made waves with their 2015 debut single “Holes,” produced by Phil Douglas (Iron Chic, Latterman). After steady touring, they caught the attention of Long Island’s Downport Records. Their debut full-length, How’ve You Been?, recorded at VuDu Studios with Mike Watts (Dear Hunter, Hail The Sun), dropped in 2017, featuring standout tracks like “The Ambient Sound of Traffic” and “Irish Exit.” Alternative Press praised their live rendition of “Holes,” likening it to “21st-century grunge.”


In 2018, the band released a split EP with Staleworth and returned to the studio in 2019. Their ambitious 11-track concept album A Town Named Nowhere was teased with the 2020 single “Devils.” The album, rolled out in three volumes in 2021, showcased cinematic tracks like “The Night That St. Catherine Fell” and “No Deeper Than A Coffin.” They even launched an interactive video game tied to the album’s story.


After lineup changes, Crash The Calm self-recorded Lifeless Sounds, an 8-song EP slated for January 2025. Featuring the singles “Rope” and “Sleep on the Floor,” this new release signals a revitalized sound for the band.

Stream “Sleep on the Floor” HERE


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