Visions Of Atlantis, Illumishade, Seraina Telli Rebellion, Manchester 05:10:2024

Visions Of Atlantis, Illumishade, Seraina Telli Rebellion, Manchester 05:10:2024

7th October 2024 0 By Oli Gonazlez

“This is going to be busy” I thought to myself as I saw the queue to Rebellion wrapping around the building on this surprisingly warm evening in central Manchester. Having sold out venues in Tilburg, Bristol, and London on the way here, this should have come as no surprise! This also speaks to the popularity and sheer star power of Visions Of Atlantis on this headline tour. Seraina Telli and Illumishade only added to this star power in a blockbuster package. Rather than being just ‘another pirate band’, the Austrians are a band that has built a reputation for thoroughly captivating and stunning live performances the world over, with my introduction to the band coming at a recent Bloodstock festival appearance, and something I had to experience again.

Once doors had opened, many rushed to the front of the venue to secure a prime viewing spot, bypassing the desire for liquid sustenance from the bar or a visit to the merch stand (though those already donning Visions Of Atlantis merch or pirate costumes did not need to). Probably for the best as this was a busy gig. Very busy. Too busy in fact. I’d go as far as to say as oversold. People pay their hard-earned money to see their heroes and favorite bands. When this experience is compromised by an inability to find sufficient personal space or an adequate view of the performers, this understandably leads to frustration, which is the vibe you could pick up from the crowd this evening. Though band fees need to be covered and bodies need to come through the door to do this in a world of ever-rising costs and challenges to the music industry. This isn’t intended to be a finger-pointing exercise though but maybe a reminder for key decision-makers to be more mindful of this in the future. Surely raising the ticket price slightly to lower the capacity to more reasonable levels would be better? However, this is beyond the scope of this review. With this negativity out of the way, let’s get into the first band…

Seraina Telli

Untamed fury and unrivaled passion! Those were the first words that came to mind upon hearing the first inhuman roar coming from the very core of Seraina’s being (well, there were probably a few more expletives, something along the lines of holy duck!). Seriously, that woman was an absolute powerhouse and simply stunning to witness. Whilst some complain about the graveyard opening slot, Seraina and her backing band left everything on that stage in a performance fitting for a headline tour, and offered a NWOBHM sound that you could imagine filling arenas one day! Until then, the few hundred or so in attendance were suitably impressed and now warmed up for the next act…


Also hailing from Switzerland though with the focus now shifting from a classic rock feel to a more symphonic metal vibe, Illumishade took to the stage. Personal space was at a liberty here and if anybody had managed to smuggle a cat into the venue, it would have been impossible to swing it! Which again, speaks to the popularity of the bands on tonight’s bill! Think of all the things that make power metal iconic – soaring lead guitars, soul-piercing synths, and blazing lead vocals – and this is what you will find in Illumishade’s sound. Whilst this is one of their best features, it could also be a weakness given the potential barriers to separating themselves from what is a fiercely stacked genre. What separates Illumishade? Truly, a question I’m not sure I can answer. However, do not let this distract from what was an objectively solid and refined performance.

Visions Of Atlantis

Time for the main event now. If you’ve ever seen the band before, you’ll know they do not hold back nor take half-measures with their stage setup. Tonight, this could have been mistaken for something from a Pirates Of The Caribbean set given the level of attention to detail. Musically? Whoever the sound engineer was, give them a raise! Whether it was the soul-piercing lead guitars or bone-crunching rhythmic undertone, every aspect got its fair place to shine in a flawless mix. The sentiment from some of the ballads was palpable and almost tangible! The vocals? Wow. Clementine’s stunning soprano range is a nod to their influencers and heroes Nightwish (but certainly not a poor replica or imitation) and a sight to behold. Light needs darkness to shine brightest, and Michele offered a rougher and harsher quality to his voice but a quality that is as crucial to the band’s sound as Clementine’s. The two worked together in beautiful synergy. It’s a shame that some began to abandon their posts and retreat to the beer garden for respite. My only real gripe on what was a musically wonderful experience. A bigger venue is a must the next time Visions Of Atlantis drop anchor and invade our shores.


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