11th October 2024 0 By Quinccy

Live Review by Oli Gonzalez, Photos by Laura Thomason

There’s nothing like a bit of midweek mystery metalcore, is there? Probably the first time that sentence has ever been uttered in the history of humankind, but succinctly describes this Wednesday night trip to catch 3 bands of the genre who were completely new to me. Normally I have a sneaky listen on Spotify but wanted a total surprise this evening, an evening headlined by Sweden’s alternative metalcore act Imminence with support acts Allt, and Aviana. “The queue’s up to Sainsbury’s” words from a concerned member of the security team warning his colleagues of the quantity of bodies wishing to gain entry to tonight’s show. A nod to the popularity of the bands, in a show that still has tickets on the door but had to upgrade the venue due to selling out the previous. Doors are delayed but finally, we’re in. I’m accompanied by Laura who takes me to the photo pit and we say our goodbyes. I’m too old to linger in the pit and there’s no room to rest my withered spine against the barrier. As such I take refuge in the upper echelons of the balcony, the “safe zone”. Then the lights go down ….

There’s no messing around here.

The stage was draped in an ominous red glow. The band members march
confidently to the stage. Then the music kicks in. Atmospheric, raw, uncompromising, right in your
face. Yet still melodic, smooth, and well-balanced, something I can enjoy without the need for ear
protection! The vocalist can seamlessly switch between soaring leads and demonic gutturals. The
venue is maybe 3/4 full, with punters still shuffling in and making their way to the bar. There’s some
bodies swaying but not quite a full pit, despite pleas to ‘not be shy’ from the band’s frontman.  A little movement from the band – who have seemingly been static – may encourage some.  Three songs in and he gets his wish. Not the most savage but a pit nonetheless.

The night is still young. Did I see two young men ballroom dancing? Yes. I did. And that’s awesome! If not completely unexpected. That sums up how well they did their job of opening up tonight’s show. The momentum grows and the roars for their hit ‘Paralysed’ are deafening. A remarkable opening act that at 25
minutes seems far too short.

“I’m gonna need shades” I thought. Those stage lights are bright. Very bright..and it’s only the line check! All part of the experience, right? Then the lights go down again. Am I hallucinating or are the stage lights talking to me? Nope, they definitely are, flashing in time to a voiceover.
When the band finally takes to the stage, they do so with authority! The venue is suitably packed out now.

I feel like Carnage is about to go down. The band shifts effortlessly between skull-crushing heavy to melodic and aesthetically pleasing. There’s considerably more movement in the pit; I’m glad I’m in the old people section on the balcony. Especially as the circle pit to hell opens!
From here I can fully admire the ambitious and thoroughly impressive stage show. The band’s vocalist expresses his gratitude and seems remarkably softly spoken in doing so.

“I want you all to get down” he orders. It’s a slow response but eventually, the whole room is then crouching down, all before shooting up
like salmon leaping out of a river. It’s a spectacle. The drummer also rises, and motions for the pit to
open , like a composer conducting an orchestra before the inevitable colliding of bodies into one another. This is a Wednesday night. People have work in the morning…or so you’d think. That theme
of Recklessness continues throughout the remainder of the set. We still have one more to go …
I abandon the safety of the balcony for a space closer to the action.  I see the band’s vocalist make to
the stage in a medieval-style cloak, like a metalcore Batushka, clutching a violin in the process. This
may be an obvious feature of the attire for some but a complete surprise for me. The stage setup is fitting for a headline band, like that from a set of a West End theatre production. The lights are dazzling. All of which creates a raw atmospheric undertone that’s enticing and captivating. The bass shakes the walls of the venue in a violent low-end assault. The melodies ring sharply through The Ritz. The sound quality is on point. Crowd engagement is at the maximum as the fans sing along to their favourite songs, clearly and
audibly. Speaking of audible, the roars of the crowd reach a whopping 110 at one point (I caught a glimpse of this at the sound desk). Whilst the pits are not as chaotic this time as the pace has slowed, there’s still clear bouncing and bounding within the ranks of the audience as they wriggle, jiggle, or just mosh to the music on offer. This is metalcore with a truly epic and wonderfully unique twist.

This evening has been a departure from my usual safety zones of post-rock and extreme metal. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to witness some truly remarkable artists who excel in their craft.

Will there ever be another installment of midweek mystery metalcore?



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