AATR Caught up with A’priori for a quickie

AATR Caught up with A’priori for a quickie

23rd January 2025 0 By DJ Pixie
Hi guys nice to be catching up with you again and taking time out for a quickie.
I hope the start of the year has been a good one for you. We see that 2024 was a great year for the band , how do you think you have progressed as a band over the last 12 months? 
The album gave us a massive leap along with a tour with multiple sold out shows. This led to a huge surge of the A’priori fanbase.
Has it brought you all closer together, or have you driven each other insane yet?
. We never fall out we are brothers
September 2024 we saw you launch your new album ‘Voodoo Love’, how do you think this has been received by the fans?
. Feedback so far is that it’s our best album yet.
Do you think it has been received as well as your previous albums?
 . Yes it feels like it kicks up a gear every album and the response has been amazing.
How did the concept for Voodoo Love come about?
. We’ve all been in relationships where we have felt controlled and that is the metaphor of the song aswell the album being built around the same concept.
How did the song writing process go for this, did all band members have input into this?
. Yes like every album we write as a band 
Is there any behind the scenes stories you can tell us about when you were recording this album?
. Fun fact….we had a leak in the practice room above Tony’s amp and the water flooded his amp head #Trashed!
This year you guys have a lot of big shows coming up playing the like of Maid of Stone Festival and Hella Rock Festival, are you guys excited about these huge events?
. Yes we can’t wait and 2026 is looking even more exciting for A’priori already!
A bit different from when we first saw you starting out all those years ago at Stanley Park Bandstand, you guys have come such a long way, and well deserved too!
. Thank you very much …we appreciate you following us on our journey.
Curveball question – if you could be any Harry Potter character who would you be and why?
. Mark – I’ll go with Colin Creevey…he’s a top bloke but it’s a shame his choice of weapon was a camera when he was fighting death eaters in the room of requirement. RIP
. Tony – Dudley Dursley…from the very first film he was an absolute unit of a lad. Shoulders like Anne Diamond!
. Mouse – Filius Flitwick…despite facing discrimination about his ancestry and small stature, he remained undeterred and excelled in his studies…..man knows how to form a shield!
Cheers for talking to us today.

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