17th March 2025 0 By Jon Deaux

ALL FOR JOLLY are fast rising and are loaded with their stunning sophomore self-titled album, which is out on Friday 4th April. The energetic fivesome will drop their brand new single and video, On We Row, which lands everywhere on Friday 28th March. With the band climbing, we checked in and asked exclusively which tracks have influenced their sound the most:

“Green Day – Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

I think I can speak for all of the band members, that pop-punk has been a huge influence on all of our music, and there are certainly parts throughout our new album that portray that influence. In particular, our song  ‘Lost My Gourd’ comes to mind. (Which is getting  released with our new album on April 4th) Listening back to that song almost gives me a nostalgic feeling of when I would be in the back of the car on a road trip, listening to Green Day songs like ‘Boulevard Of Broken Dreams’ and ‘Holiday’. From the acoustic guitar and vocal-led verses to the build of instruments and strong bridge featuring a thick electric guitar riff, ‘Lost My Gourd’  certainly carries the heart of those earlier Green Day songs.
Dropkick Murphys – I’m Shipping Up To Boston
As with any Folk/Punk-Esque Band, Dropkick Murphys are a staple in the scene and we look up to them massively. Their songs are always so full of heart and the passion they have for their Celtic roots never fails to inspire us. A Lot of our songs have a deeper meaning whether it’s obvious or hidden, and we always hope that wearing our hearts on our sleeves with the music we make will allow us to better connect to our audience and also give them something that they can relate to, make their own and ultimately gain something good to add to their life.
Royal Republic –  Everybody Wants To Be An Astronaut
I will always remember the rainy Sunday morning at ‘Rock am Ring’ festival in 2013. It was the last day of my first big festival and the following day would be a mammoth drive back from Germany to the tippy toes of the UK and our hometown of Penzance. I was super hungover and forcing down whatever dregs of alcohol I had left from the weekend, wondering where I would find the energy to enjoy the last day of music and fight off the rain. That’s when I heard a sound that would give the Grinch himself a feeling, Royal Republic. It was the first time I ever heard them and was instantly drawn in, their energy on stage was like nothing I had seen before and I didnt have a choice, I was forced to be happy and dance. This is always something that has stuck with me and something that I will always try my best to put into every performance we have. Energy is a huge part of us and we hope that comes across and one day I will be able to save a poor hungover soul with my music.
System Of A Down – Aerials
Me and my sister Manth (Lady Of The Sea, who’s also in the band) grew up listening to System, as did the rest of the band. They will always be one of my favorites of all time and I’m sure I share that feeling with a lot of people around my age. The pure talent and passion put into each one of their songs is unmatched and super admirable. The thing I love the most about them is also my favorite thing about our new album (Coming out on April 4th), It’s the variation in their sound and the way that they can put a middle finger up to the boundaries of genre and just make the music that they wanted to. In a way ,they created their own genre and I will forever be grateful to them for breaking my mindset of what a band’s music can be, and the confines that they don’t have to follow.
Tenacious D – Wonderboy
Throughout our musical catalogue you will find sprinkles of comedy and themes that are comedic in nature. Tenacious D reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously and remember why we are making and playing music in the first place because we love doing it and it makes us happy. We also have undertones of rock and metal in our music which fits together perfectly with the folk/acoustic vibes at our core.”

For more on the band, see:

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