11th March 2024 0 By Jon DeauxREVENANT set loose their exhilarating debut EP, What A Time To Be Alive, on Friday 10th May. The contagious Southern rockers have also just unveiled their breathtaking new single and video, Rolling On My Back,
REVENANT come at you from Basingstoke, England, and collectively have influences spanning from Guns & Roses, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Blackberry Smoke through to Metallica. With this heady mixture, you can anticipate a truly captivating sound from the rising rockers.
It took a few twists and turns for the Revenant to arrive at their current destination. The crew features guitarist and vocalist, Sugarman Sam, who started life with a notable blues band, The Voodoo Men. Sam moved on to form the Dead Jackals where he settled into the role of guitar player as part of a twin harmony attack with Matthew Hudson. Together they formed a formidable partnership akin to Thin Lizzy’s iconic duo of Scott Gotham and Gary Moore. The newly formed friendship developed over the next three years and together they left the Dead Jackals. Last year, the duo recruited bassist Robin Nutley and drummer Carl D, who have more than earned their stripes on the touring circuit. And alas, REVENANT
was born.
The band soon hit the ground running and released their first single, Coming Back To Life , which immediately pricked ears and attracted strong streaming numbers. The follow-up single, The Masquerade , flew just as high, racking up airplay from across the globe, and pulling in favourable comparisons to everyone from Chris Cornell and Alter Bridge, through to Blackstone Cherry.
Never ones to disappoint, REVENANT are bringing their message to the masses and are armed with their superb new EP, What A Time To Be Alive. This isn’t just a bit of fun; this is real life and stories about hope, love and life—the good, the bad and the ugly. REVENANT are alive and kicking…Prepare to meet your favourite new band.
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I am Legion for we are many