Eva Under Fire – Love, Drugs and Misery – CD Review
15th September 2022 0 By Jon DeauxEva Under Fire are an alterative metal act that have been on my radar since 2015 and the release of Anchors which showed so much promise that I kept an eye on them. 2016 brought the follow up I Am Flame and a massive growth spurt from the previous year and then in 2018 they released Heavy On The Heart which again was a totally different sounding album.
You know a band are on to a winning formula and are going to be a big deal when they start to have other rockstars appear on their records. But that’s usually further on down the line.. Not with Eva Under Fire, they’ve got the vocal talents of Spencer Chandra (Ice Nine Kills) on the opening track and lead single Blow, Comatose (ft. Jonathan Dörr of Ego Kill Talent) but Coming For Blood (ft. From Ashes To New) as well. Not bad for a band who are just releasing their debut album for a record label.
The whole of Love, Drugs and Misery is as hard hitting as the lead track. Infact Blow doesn’t even come close to how the album punishes your senses. This really is a genre fluid album. Metal, Industrial, Country tinge even U2 (a haunting version of With Or Without You) the album which makes it an incredible listen. This album is certainly a contender for a spot in the top 10 albums of the year (it’s that good it may even top a few) it’s going to take some beating.Love, Drugs and Misery is like a botfly maggot. Once it get’s under your skin, it’s a bugger to get rid of.
If you’re a fan of Beth Blade, In This Moment, Sick n Beautiful then you won’t be disappointed by this record. It’s an absolute banger.Score 8/10
Track List
Blow (ft. Spencer Charnas of Ice Nine Kills)
With Or Without You
Another Shot Through The Heart
The Strong
Death of Me
Coming For Blood (ft. From Ashes To New)
Comatose (ft. Jonathan Dörr of Ego Kill Talent)
Give Me A Reason
Label – Better Noise Music
Release – 23rd September 2022
For all things Eva Under Fire, click HERE and to purchase the album, click HERE
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I am Legion for we are many