Helhorse – Oh Death
26th August 2013Back with their 2nd album is Danish metallers Helhorse – I will be upfront and honest right now and will admit that I have never heard of Helhorse before today. So with a completely clean and untarnished mindset, lets get down to the review!
The press release advised the band play a mixture of mixture of dirty metal, punk and classic rock. You can quite easily chuck groove into that equation also. This is a concept album called ‘Oh Death‘ the concept being celebrating death as purification, freedom and a developing factor for human kind.
This paragraph from the press release sums it up quite well:
“The songs revolve around very personal themes like, the death of a love relationship, the liberation from expectations of others and yourself, escape through massive amounts of alcohol and more philosophical contemplations on how we as a race are drawn towards our own self destruction. This is in many ways a journey through a specter of emotions – from fuck you rock & roll attitude to more introspective songs.”
Given that the album concept is of death, I find it quite ironic that almost every song on the album is catchy and upbeat. From the opening of the first song “Fuck Art, Lets Kill” until the end of closing track “Scorch the earth” you will find yourself tapping your foot to the music.
The album is good, its by no means a masterpiece but is definitely worth spending your hard earned money on. This will be on repeat on my iPod for some time to come.
Score: 8 out of 10
Band: Helhorse
Album: Oh Death
Record Label: Target Records
Release Date: 23rd September
Band Website: http://www.helhorse.dk/
01. Fuck Art, Let’s Kill
02. Hell Hath No Fury
03. The Seams Of Life
04. The Carnal Rage
05. Red Eye
06. Climb Through Fire
07. Kill Your Self
08. Diggin’ A Hole, Waiting To Die
09. Death Comes To The Sleeping
10. And His Name Is Death
11. Scorch The Earth
Standout Tracks: “Fuck Art, Lets Kill”, “Hell Hath No Fury”, “Kill Yourself”