6th September 2016I managed to catch up with Monument for a quick chat
We see ‘Rage’ have just announced their ‘The Devil Tours Again’ tour with you guys supporting, are you excited about this?
We’re really looking forward to heading out with Rage in November, then following that tour we head back to Greece for two very special shows with Iced Earth!
You guys have just been doing a shoot for a new Monument video, can you tell us anything about this?
We shot a video for ‘Lionheart’ the final track off the new album on location at a castle in the Midlands. The song is written about Richard the Lionheart and we were able to combine a great story line along with some awesome live shots of the band. Historical events and people provoke such strong emotions and reactions that lyrically it fits really well with the level of intensity we captured on the new album.
You guys have been getting some great exposure from publications worldwide – Metal Hammer Germany, Rockhard Italy, Powerplay… What’s this been like for you?
We’ve been blown away by the level of exposure that the band and in particular the new album Hair of the Dog has received. It’s really gratifying that after all the blood, sweat and tears to make the album it’s really made waves.
You have your first appearance announced for Munich’s ‘Heavy Metal Calling’ in 2017, have you got anything special planned for this?
We always try to mix things up for festival appearances because it’s usually an opportunity to play to a fresh crowd that has never seen Monument before, expect a killer stage show with a few surprises thrown in too.
You released your latest album ‘Hair of the Dog’ in June, how does this album compare to your last album?
I feel as if it’s a massive leap forward for the band, Peter’s song writing has gone to another level yet again. It’s intense, exciting and powerful, with great hooks and harmonies. I’m personally really pleased with the great gritty and ballsy bass tone that is such a key feature to the album.
If you could invite anyone to feature on your next album who would it be and why?
Well for me it wouldn’t be possible, but I’d love a Gary Moore guitar solo on any Monument song!
We see a few of you guys like to play football, what other hobbies have you guys got outside music?
Yeah we’re really big football fans! There’s a wide range of other talents the guys have, Peter’s wrestling belt making with Leather Rebels the company he formed has really taken off in the last 12 months! There’s a few of us in the band who may also like a pint or two every now and again.
How would you describe Monument to someone who hasn’t seen the band before?
I’d describe us as high-octane British heavy metal, celebrating a sound that is rooted in melody and good songwriting, looking to inspire the next generation of metal fans.
What was your first music experience as a child? First gig/first song you heard?
My dad always had Thin Lizzy albums on tape in the car, and to this day they’re still one of my biggest influences.
Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?
Thanks for all the support, looking forward to getting out on some big tours over the next 12 months to see you out on the road!