Massive Wagons Interview
11th July 2016Massive Wagons took time out of their very busy schedule to come and have a chat with us today about what they have been getting up to here is what they had to say.
You guys have just come back from playing Wildfire Festival in Lanark, how did you guys find that?
Absolutely love Wildfire festival! We have played it a few times now since its birth as Lesfest, and every year things have just got better, surroundings are simply stunning, the stages and sound are just what a band wants, loads of room and a big big sound! And the crowds have got bigger, it’s a really great vibe, everyone seems to respect the festival while there, it’s a really cool place to play.
For you who was band of the weekend at this event?
Band of the weekend, well we weren’t there on the Friday, we saw most of Saturday’s bands and a couple of Sunday’s early doors, it’s really hard to choose as there are always a few I love for different reasons, Screaming Eagles, our brothers in rock always deliver, for me one of the absolute best vocalists around today! Immense, RSJ are absolutely one of my favourite bands to watch, high energy, passion, heavy, I never get tired of what those guys doo, love em! Id say one of those 2, I couldn’t pick tho haha.
Up next you guys have the almighty SOS Festival in Manchester, have you got anything special lined up for this
Ahh SOS!! Seriously is an honour playing SOS, I remember when we first started out, Black Spiders played it and I said to the lads, we are gonna play that one day haha and we are lucky to be having a second crack at he whip now! It’s an outstanding festival, again such lovely people, well organised, an absolute blast! New venue I believe this year, so a new stage to destroy!! Haha. Anything special, hmmm have to think about that, I’ll get my thinking head on.
You guys have just released your new album ‘Welcome to the World’, which has received some great reviews, it must be a great feeling to get such great feedback?
absolutely! Humbled, over the moon, you know with your background how much goes into everything, it’s a huge undertaking, and when it’s pulled off and it all goes to plan, it really is so satisfying, and to be that well received, we couldn’t really ask for much more to be honest, the songs are going down really well live too, it’s like we’ve been playing them years! People know the words already haha cannot knock that!
Can you give us a breakdown and tell us a little bit about each song on this album and if there are any meanings behind the songs.
Yeah sure, Nails.. I wanted to write a big kinda eye of the tiger type of song, big motivational track, it’s defiantly the heaviest track on the album, and the chorus riff Adam came up with just absolutely soars away from the verses heaviness, real contrasting riffs, but works so well I think, defo a crowd favourite live! Tokyo.. Haha someone said it reminded them of Long Way To The Top by AC/DC, kinda the road you take, not being taken seriously maybe, people ignoring the band, the difficulties getting gigs, radio play, and fitting it all around work and family life, I hope no one thinks it’s a moaning song ha cos it’s not, it’s just something that’s true about band life, if it was easy everyone would do it. Welcome To The World.. The title track, much a similar theme really to Tokyo, bit of a punky edge to it, the albums had quite a few reviews referencing punk influences, and Now I can hear em, they weren’t so obvious when writing them, strange that. Ratio.. Probably the bands favourite track, big chorus, hopefully the next single, we’ve just shot a video for it which was fun, hopefully be out soon. The songs about feeling like your good luck/bad luck is all to one side sometimes and life seems to always kick you in the balls, I tried a lower vocal style with it as I wanted to make it totally different to anything we’d done before, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out but it’s blown us away. Shit Sweat Death.. Haha the obligatory band river song! A lot of things happen down by rivers according to rock bands, non of which I’ve ever seen happen, we thought we’d correct the balance by writing a river song about what really goes on, fighting, fly tipping, defiantly no praying, baptizing or swimming!! Haha cobblers! Day We Fell.. Basically I loved as a kid the black and white Moby Dick film with Gregory Peck, it’s an epic tale as it is, but that film made an appearance while writing the album and I couldn’t resist it really, it’s the longest most experimental track we’ve ever written, but definitely one we are most proud of. Day we Fell.. True tale of Fighting Jack, a WW2 army officer who has the best life story I’ve ever read, last man to kill an enemy attacker with a bow and arrow in battle, and he used to run into battle with a broad sword, definitely worthy of a song!! Jodie.. A big AOR kinda track, the first one written for this album, bit of a UFO vibe i think, they are a big influence to us, absolutely one of the best British rock bands of all time! Aeroplane.. Haha about a big big night out in Ibiza spent with some amazing people, a night I’ll never forget, the song might sound odd, but I know what all the references are, good times! Fe FI Fo Fum.. Last track on the album, last track we wrote, bit of a Sex Pistols vibe maybe, defiantly a punk edge to it, proper party track I think, so enjoyable to play live, I lose my shit and start leaping about all over, me and Carl, it’s our new think, out leaping each other haha.
Do you all have lyrical contribution to the songs or does just 1 member write the material?
I write all the lyrics really, Adam wrote most of Jodie tho, I’m keen for anyone to have a go like, defo, they all seem happy doing what they do tho for now haha. Adam writes all of the riffs and song structure, and the lads have free reign to contribute their parts, we all come together and just go at it until we have the final version, we really love son writing, its great fun.
You guys have just recorded a new video, how did you guys find that and we can we expect to see it aired?
Yeah for Ratio, it was superb, we put the word out for anyone wanting to be in it to come along, and boy we weren’t let down, Wagons fans from all over the country showed up! We were over whelmed completely! Such a great day, we played a short set afterwards too, it was a real great event and one I’ll really never forget, we do have the best fans ever! As for the video, it’s 100% finished, and we are hoping end of July/August I believe, we are also looking to record perhaps a new track as a B side, fingers crossed anyway we can get it sorted in time.
You must be excited with the run up to the Ginger Wildhearts tour, to which you will be main support, are you looking forward to this?
We are so excited, Ginger and the Wildhearts are a huge influence, he is a legend, he’s kept it going through everything, he has an amazing loyal fan base who love whatever he does, he creates music he loves, I just admire the guy loads, can’t wait to meet him and support him at his shows, long may he continue doing what he does.
Does anyone in the band have any hobbies outside of music?
My main hobby outside the band and band stuff is sleeping haha soon to be a dad too, so I’ll need all of that I can get! We really do spend all of our time doing band stuff tho, takes up a lot of spare time, beer, sleep, band, not necessarily in that order.
Is there anything you guys would like to say to your fans?
Yeah, just thanks, I’ve probably not got enough thanks to thank everyone enough, our fans truly are the best, I love everything they do to support us, they travel miles, buy merch, spread the word, incredible! People say rocks dead, not according to Wagons fans!!
Pics courtesy of L.A Photography