MESHIAAK Announces the New Lineup Change for Upcoming Third Album Adding Guitarist Logan Mader and Drummer Jon Dette
31st January 2022Meshiaak announces the new lineup change for their third album adding guitarist Logan Mader
(Once Human, ex-Machine Head, ex-Soulfly). Also, Jon Dette (Testament, Slayer) rejoins the fold on drums. Original member Dette played drums on the first Meshiaak album Alliance of Thieves. The band parted ways with guitarist Dean Wells, drummer David Godfrey and bassist Andrew Cameron back in early 2021.
Vocalist Danny Camilleri is planning on relocating from Australia to the United States to commence work on the third Meshiaak release. ” I haven’t been this excited to create music in years! The next Meshiaak album is going to be a monster! A big, fat, angry monster, “ Camilleri shares.
Guitarist Logan Mader, who will also be co-writing and producing the next record says, “I am beyond stoked to be a part of this album with Meshiaak. I’ll be producing and playing guitar on it. I have a good feeling about how heavy and epic it will be. “
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