MOTÖRHEAD Invites Everyone to Create “(We Are) The Road Crew” Tributes
26th May 2020A message from MOTÖRHEAD:
We hope you liked our new video for “(We Are) The Road Crew.”
Now it’s your turn!
Please use our universal crew anthem and pay tribute to these warriors of the road, available by clicking here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G3EV3ukKfVIzPA5oItGBJAx5aYsLQJbj/view?usp=sharing.
Whether you’re in a band or a fan, whether you’re in London, Los Angeles or Lagos, wherever you are and whoever you are, create your own photo and video tributes, from 10 second homages to full-length productions, with “(We Are) The Road Crew” reminding everyone how amazing these unsung heroes are.
Then share your tributes with the world via our social media
Instagram –
Facebook –
Instagram –
Facebook –
, Twitter –
@myMotorhead and also your own outlets, in the process encouraging others to cut loose and do the same!
Have fun, be loud and show road crews worldwide YOUR appreciation for all that they do! And remember, every time the song gets streamed for the next year, Live Nation’s Crew Nation charity receives the proceeds!
By the way, just in case you missed it, here’s our video for “(We Are) The Road Crew)