Reece Scruggs of Havok introduces his cat Jani
28th January 2021 0 By Queen NikkiHailing from Colorado, Havok have been a household name in the global thrash scene since the early 2000’s as well as jumping on many extensive tours to all ends of the globe. We spoke to lead guitarist, Reece Scruggs about his downtime with his fluffy mate.

Jani admiring the merchandise
Reece, I believe you have a wonderful cat? Tell us all about them!
His name is Jani Lane, named after the singer of the band Warrant. We’ve had him for 5 years.
My wife Jennifer went to a shelter and found him. She had no intentions of getting a cat that day. She was thinking of adopting a cat after her family cat passed away, but she was there mostly because her friend was thinking of getting a dog. Jen got a cat, her friend never got a dog.
Awesome name! “She’s my cherry pie..” Okay, I’ll stop.
What is the weirdest thing Jani has ever done?
Hmmm, that’s a tough question. We don’t think he does anything weird at all haha! We love him so much that everything he does is great and totally normal!
Thats adorable, Can he do any tricks?
He flops over for attention. He’s an absolute showman and completely understands what to do to get us to pay attention to him.
I guess it’s would be nice to have a cute fluffy cat begging for attention. This passed year has been pretty manic,

Reece and Jani
so you’ve no-doubt, like the rest of us, spent a lot of time at home. How has your pet helped being at home for you? Have they been comforting, or have they just been driving you nuts?
I’m actually gone 10 or more hours a day doing an “essential” job. So when I get home he’s ready for some one on one time with his dad. He could never drive me crazy. I wish I could spend every minute with him.
Naww, so sweet, Have you always been an animal lover? Have you ever owned any exotic or different pets?
I LOVE animals. I grew up with cats and dogs. I’ve got a cat and a dog (it’s actually a wolf) tattooed
on me. I’ve never owned anything out of the ordinary. I’m a firm believer that domestic cats and dogs are the ones in need of homes and are true “pets”. I love and respect animals too much to cage a snake or hold a bird inside of a house.
Are you one of those people that puts your pets into costumes? Don’t be shy to tell us about their battle vests.
I’d put Jani in costumes if I could. He’s fat and he also gets grumpy if you try stuff like that haha
Does he like it when you practise at home?

Jani being the perfect model
Jani is constantly in my office/practice, guitar room while I’m jammin. I don’t think minds it.
Speaking of music, how is yours going? Last year you were endorsed, can you tell us a little more about that? Is there anything exciting happening in the world of HAVOK this year?
Yes! I recently got endorsed with Dean Guitars and Seymour Duncan pickups! An actual dream come true. Nothing new on the Havok front as of late, but always I’m always writing riffs.
Awesome news Reece, well deserved. Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to share with your supporters during this time?
Double down, dig in, lace your boots tight and get to work. Nothing get done and goals are never achieved by standing by and waiting. Get after it NOW!
Thanks Reece, pat Jani for us!
For all things Havok click HERE
To find Reece on Instagram click HERE
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"It does not require a majority, but an irate, tireless minority, keen to set bushfires in people's minds." Hail Satan!