3rd October 2023 0 By Jon DeauxThe countdown begins. With just over one month left until SABATON‘s “History Rocks” museum initiative kicks off, the band’s project has reached a significant milestone. Over 100 museums from 27 territories have now confirmed their participation in the worldwide premiere of “The War To End All Wars – The Movie” this November, and the list keeps growing.
Unveiled on 12th June 2023, “History Rocks” is a result of the band’s urge to help museums around the world. The mission of this charitable initiative is to amplify the visibility of museums worldwide and to encourage a fresh, untapped audience of metalheads and history enthusiasts to contribute to their local museums. Another fundamental objective of this project worth noting is that it aims to place World War I and its significance to mankind in the spotlight.
Band manager and bassist, Pär Sundström comments:“Reaching over 100 museums is an important milestone. We wanted to create something that makes our fans visit and help their local museums, and I’m beyond happy to see that it’s working. We’re grateful to anyone who suggested a museum to us by using our “Suggest a museum” form on our movie’s website. The form is now closed following thousands of suggestions, but museums are still urged to contact us if they wish to participate. It means a lot to us to see how many involved have been enthusiastic, both fans and museums.”
The global premiere of “The War To End All Wars – The Movie” will take place between 4th-19th November 2023, in the two weeks surrounding the 105th anniversary of Armistice Day. Museums worldwide are gearing up to showcase this film in their own way – some have opted for single screenings, some will be hosting multiple, and others will be combining their screenings with World War 1-related exhibits and events. The beauty of this project is that those participating have the creative freedom to shape their event any way they deem fit and all revenue generated from ticket sales goes straight back to the museum hosting the screening.
As the “History Rocks” project surges forward with over 100 museums on board, it stands as a testament to the profound impact of the unification of music and history to inspire and educate audiences worldwide.
The confirmed museums participating in the History Rocks project are sorted by country below:
Army Museum of South Australia
Plugstreet 14-18
Talbot House
Завичајни музеј Градишка / Homeland Museum of Gradiška
Museu do Expedicionário
Museu Militar do Comando Militar do Sul
Pazardzhik Regional Museum
Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence
Millet & District Museum, Archives & Visitor Services
Rocky Mountain House Museum
Gradski muzej Varaždin
Muzej vojne i ratne povijesti
SIsak Municipal Museum
Military Muzeum Generála Sergěje Jana Ingra
Muzeum a vzdělávací centrum čs. legií/Československých legií
Patton Memorial Pilsen
Vojenské muzeum Chuchelná
Mosede Fort, Danmark 1914-18
Museum Skanderborg
Sønderborg Castle
The Parola Armour Museum
Tornionlaakson museo – Tornedalens museum
Hôtel national des Invalides Musée de l´Armée
Monument National du Hartmannswillerkopf
Musée des blindés et de la cavalerie
Musée Pierre-Noël de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Anti Kriegs Museum
Festung Königstein
Flandernbunker / “Mahnmal Kilian” e.V.
Garnisonmuseum Ludwigsburg
HM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum
Vytautas the Great War Museum
Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg
Whanganui Regional Museum
Tirpitz Museum Alta
Museum of Military Technology / Muzeum Techniki Wojskowej
Muzeum Górnośląskie / Upper Silesian Museum
Muzeum Marynarki Wojennej / Naval Museum Gdynia
Muzeum Techniki Wojskowej GRYF
Muzeum Techniki Wojskowej w Zabrzu
Muzeum Twierdzy Kostrzyn / Fortressmuseum of Kostrzyn
Muzeum Wojsk Lądowych w Bydgoszczy/Army Infantery Museum
Rzeszowskie Piwnice / Resov Cellars
Museu do Ar
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Palace of Ruginoasa
MNIR / National History Museum of Romania
National Military Museum
Palace of Culture / Complexul Muzeal Național „Moldova” Iași
Museum of Rudnik and Takovo Region (Музеј рудничко-таковског краја)
National Museum in Leskovac
National Museum of Serbia/Народни музеј Србије
Zavičajni muzej Župe
Múzeum Slovenského Národného Povstania
Slovakia Bytča The Wedding Palace in Bytča – administrated by Považské múzeum
Spiš castle administered by Slovak National Museum – Spiš Museum
City Museum of Ljubljana / Mestni muzej Ljubljana
Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka /Park of Military History
Museo Histórico Militar de Canarias
Arsenalen – Swedish Tankmuseum
Garnisonsmuseet Skaraborg
Hässleholms Museum
Jamtli Museet
Maritiman – Göteborgs maritima centrum
Black Country Living Museum
Bodmin Keep – Cornwall’s Army Museum
CMSM Combined Military Services Museum
Heugh Battery Museum
Military Museum Scotland
Royal Armouries Museum
Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
South Wales Aviation Museum
Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome
Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum
The Staffordshire Regiment Museum
The Tank Museum
York Army Museum
American Heritage Museum
Chippewa Valley Museum
General Robert W. Cone NTC & 11th ACR Heritage Center
Heartland Museum of Military Vehicles
Howard County Historical Society
Hutchings Museum Institute
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District: Sahara West Library
Maryland Veterans Musuem at Patriot Park
Mesa Public Library – Red Mountain Branch
Michigan’s Military Heritage Museum
Military Aviation Museum
Military Heritage Museum
Military History Center of the Carolinas
Museum of the American G.I
National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey
Pacific Northwest Naval Air Museum
Texas Panhandle War Memorial
The National WWI Museum and Memorial
The William C. Lambert Military Museum and Archive
Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site
Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Woodman Museum
Wright Stuff Squadron Living History Museum
A note to museums…
It’s not too late. If your museum is interested in becoming part of this unprecedented global initiative, you can apply by visiting movie.sabaton.net. Simply complete the dedicated museum form and the “History Rocks” team will be in contact. The only prerequisite is that your institution possesses the necessary facilities for hosting a screening, including audio/visual equipment and a suitable event space with seating.
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I am Legion for we are many