UK Progressive Black Metal Act AKLASH Give An Exclusive Track By Track Guide To The Album [Reincarnation]

UK Progressive Black Metal Act AKLASH Give An Exclusive Track By Track Guide To The Album [Reincarnation]

13th June 2024 1 By Jon Deaux

UK Progressive black metallers, AKLASH, unveil their deeply absorbing new album, Reincarnation, on Thursday 20th June. With sound and an album that is diverse and massively compelling, we asked the band to give us an exclusive track by track breakdown of the release:

“Reincarnation – 
The title track of the album was written by Nico when he was living out in a field in a caravan during lockdown. Taking an influence from space rock and channeling the frustration of an extended hiatus, Reincarnation is a song that looks toward a brighter future. This is the first song that the new members took to writing parts to, and is a true representation of the future of the group, showcasing our diverse musical tastes and skills.

Communion With Ghosts:

Written entirely by Nico, this one is incredibly personal to him. The lyrics are inspired by his experience of pouring over letters from his father who has sadly passed, causing him to feel like he was engaging in conversation with a ghost. Nicos love for authentic Baroque and early music comes out here too, as the intro for the song features a small early music ensemble, featuring members of Aklash and a guest musician.

Babylon – 
Babylon is our attempt at adapting our love for Led Zeppelin into the most brutal black metal song we could write. Starting as just a lyric that was fun to sing, Babylon grew to be what it is by pouring in a healthy amount of rock n’ roll and is meant to be fun, straightforward, and brutal.

Sapphires and Garlic:
Really just an intro to Cossack, we are always finding an excuse to show off our harmony singing as each member takes up huge vocal responsibilities in Aklash. Experimental sound design is a huge part of this piece, you can hear bowed Bouzouki, bowed ride cymbals and a very unconventional percussion kit.

Originally a completely DIY release in support of British-Ukrainian aid back in 2022. Cossack is a song to sing our appreciation for Slavic culture and peace between nations. We look to the history of the region and its mythos in Cossacks lyrics, to show true love to our Slavic kin, a people we feel particularly affinity to.

Yiannis’ travels in Bulgaria inspired a great portion of this song’s musical content. A take on a traditional Bulgarian women’s choir song titled “Kaval Sviri” (The Flute Plays), our rendition recontextualizes the melody and lyrics for a Black Metal palette. Featured in the song is a flute, a subtle nod to the title of the song “Kaval” a traditional wind instrument of Bulgaria. 

This track is a medley to bridge the gap between the Eastern European themes of the album to our more Arabic influences of My Will Made Manifest. Yiannis and Marcos’ work on this took about a week of experimenting with various instrumentations to land on a droning cinematic piece which is a highlight of the album in our eyes.

My Will Made Manifest:

Our love for just jamming in a room together really came out on record here, this is our unashamed nod to bands like Hawkwind. All the stops are pulled out on this final piece as it features solos from the entire band, soaring vocal harmonies, and eclectic instrumentation. The lyrics inspired directly by Aleister Crowley, we are proud to present this odyssey of sonic weirdness, a track we hope delights a listener inclined to the strange and exotic.”

To pre-save the album, please check out .
For more on the band, see –  


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