Uncle Slam: Will Work For Food/When God Dies, 2CD Deluxe Digipack REVIEW

Uncle Slam: Will Work For Food/When God Dies, 2CD Deluxe Digipack REVIEW

5th August 2024 0 By Jon Deaux
Uncle Slam dropped their second album, “Will Work For Food,” back in ’93. It’s a thrash metal masterpiece packed with aggressive riffs and sarcastic social commentary that would make a stand-up comedian jealous.
The musicianship on “Will Work For Food” is tighter than Van Halens’ spandex pants. Vocalist and guitarist Todd Moyer’s performance is next level, with gritty, snarling vocals and guitar work so intricate, it’s like trying to untangle Christmas lights. The riffs are fast and furious, just like your mom when you forget to take out the trash, but they’ve got a melodic edge that sets them apart. Bassist Simon Oliver and drummer Amery Smith provide a rhythm section so powerful, it could probably run a small country.
 This is crucial for a thrash album, where the balance between aggressive guitar riffs, pounding drums, and growling vocals is as delicate as a Jenga tower. “Will Work For Food” captures the essence of early ’90s disillusionment with a sound that hits harder than a piñata at a birthday party. With its killer musicianship, killer lyrics, and raw production, this album is a standout release that’s still as relevant and appealing as ever.

Uncle Slam’s third and final album, “When God Dies,” released in 1995, is like the metal version of a mic drop from the Los Angeles thrash metal band. This record is like the band’s grand finale, blending face-melting thrash riffs with social commentary that hits harder than a headbanger in a mosh pit.

“When God Dies” showcases the band’s evolution in rocking out and writing epic music. Todd Moyer, the vocalist and guitarist, delivers a performance that’s like a musical earthquake, both ferocious and technically mind-blowing. His guitar solos and riffs drive the album forward with more intensity than a triple shot of espresso. The rhythm section, with Simon Oliver on bass and Amery Smith on drums, is like the band’s secret weapon, providing a rock-solid foundation that hits you like a sonic boom. Oliver’s bass lines add depth and complexity, while Smith’s drumming is so precise and punishing, that it’s like he’s giving the drum kit a good scolding.

Uncle Slam’s “When God Dies” is like a masterclass in thrash metal that delivers a knockout punch. With its aggressive musicianship, witty lyrics, and raw production, it’s a standout in the thrash metal universe. For fans of the genre, this album is like a mandatory rollercoaster ride through the ferocious world of Uncle Slam.

Score 9/10



Will Work For Food

1  Back From Beyond

2  Left For Dead

3  Roadkill

4  Hangin’ In The Hood

5  Dominant Submission

6  Face The Fight

7  Will Work For Food

8  Cold Fire

9  Dazed And Confused

10  Finger First

11  It Can Happen


When God Dies

1  When God Dies

2  My Mother’s Son

3  Procreation

4  Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

5 An Offering To A Deity

6 Age Of Aggression

7  End Of The Line

8  The Lightless Sky

9  Summer In Space

10  Bombs Away

Label – Dissonance
Release – 26th July 2024

To purchase the album, click HERE


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