Victory: Circle Of Life – Review

Victory: Circle Of Life – Review

19th August 2024 0 By Kevin McCallum

So here we have it, the latest studio album from long-term Hanover-based heavy metal band, Victory, ‘Circle Of Life’. If you’ve followed this band through their career, you know what you’re going to get. So buckle up your seat belt and let 2024 with Victory commence.

It’s a 10-track opus kicking it off with ‘Tonight We Rock, it’s a head bopper and gets you right into the power groove you’ll find right through this album.

The band lineup for their 14th album release, recorded at Hanover’s Horus Sound Studios and mixed expertly by Arne Neurand, features Vocals: Gianni Pontillo, Drums: Michael Stein, Bass: Malte Burkett, Guitars: Mike Pesin and the ever-present Herman Frank.

A cool ‘The Cult’ vibe and swagger brings you into ‘American Girl’. Totally get why this is one of the singles released from ‘Circle Of Life’. Outlines exactly what these guys can do. Gianni’s vocals are immense with a real rock band sitting behind him.

‘Count On Me’ is a belter of a track, pulls you back and forward through a heavy rock n roll wormhole, with awesome guitar work throughout. One of the tracks of the album for me.

Three tracks in we hit ‘Surrender My Heart’, this is epic. On the road, this will be a solid track live. Big vocals again from Gianni.

‘Unbelievable World’ slows you down a bit but still has that steady-sounding collection of quality musicians delivering predominantly Herman’s and Gianni’s well-written tracks.

Back to the power surge with ‘Moonlit Sky’, love the catchy chorus and the backing vocals compliment it well.

‘Falling’ changes the style again, great dual guitar work from Frank and Mike. Its got a darker vibe to it and pours you into a Sabbath/Europe/Accept amalgam

I hope that you’re still strapped in and holding on, ’Money’ is probably the fastest rocker on the album, with Michael and Malte keeping the beat and timing in check. Awesome guitar solo.

‘Reason To Love’ is the closest to a ballad, but with a solid power rock foundation.

Album Closer is a revamp of ‘Virtual Sin’ originally written and featured/performed by Herman’s wife Martina.

So far the band have released three singles from ‘Circle Of Life’, one being ‘Count On Me’ the others being ‘American Girl’ and ‘Virtual Sin’ all good picks to showcase the band.

This is a good album, favourite picks are ‘Surrender My Heart’, ‘Tonight We Rock’, ‘Count On Me’ and ‘Moonlit Sky’.

Score 7.5/10
Track List
Circle Of Life’ Tracklist:
01.Tonight We Rock
02. American Girl
03. Count On Me
04. Surrender My Heart
05. Unbelievable World
06. Moonlit Sky
07. Falling
08. Money
09. Reason To Love
10. Virtual Sin
Label – AFM
Release – 13th September

For all things Victory, click HERE, and to purchase the album, click HERE


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