Wintersun – Time II – CD Review

Wintersun – Time II – CD Review

30th August 2024 0 By Jon Deaux

The new album, Time II from Wintersun is like the mythical beast of all metal albums. It’s a creature rumored to exist, whispered about in hushed tones, and then one day when you least expect it, It shows up, and you realize you’ve been waiting for this moment since Time I dropped back in the prehistoric era of 2012. It’s like finding out the sequel to your favorite book series is finally here, but instead of a paperback, it’s a 10-ton, intricately carved, symphonic behemoth that makes you question everything you thought you knew about music.


The album starts with an impressive soundscape that feels like it could summon a god. The production is epic, featuring orchestral layers, powerful riffs, and a subtle reminder that you should have practiced your guitar scales more. Jari Mäenpää, the mastermind behind this incredible music, showcases his impressive vocal range, shifting between angelic melodies and intense growls. His lyrics delve into deep themes of time, nature, and existence, requiring careful attention to fully appreciate. However, this album is quite intricate and may require some effort to fully grasp, similar to trying to run Windows 11 on a 2003 laptop.


The songs on any Wintersun album are quite long. By the time you finish listening to one, you might have grown a beard.  Listening to Time II is more like embarking on a musical odyssey. By the end, you might need a nap, but it will be the most mental nap of your life.


 I’m not saying that Time II is perfect—well, almost. The album might be too complex for some. If you’re the kind of person who thinks a three-minute pop song is “too much commitment,” you might find yourself staring into the abyss of time and wondering if you’ll ever get back. But for those who love a challenge, who revel in the intricate beauty of music that makes you think, Time II is a treasure chest of riches.


Time II is like the musical equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. It’s hard work, but when you reach the peak, the view is worth it. Just make sure you have some snacks and maybe a sherpa to guide you through. Wintersun has outdone themselves, delivering an album that is as ambitious as it is rewarding.”

Time II is an epic journey that will make you question your very existence and maybe even your choice of headphones. Just don’t forget to stretch before you dive in – you’ll be here a while.

Score 9/10
Track List
1. Fields of Snow
2. The Way of the Fire
3. One with the Shadows
4. Ominous Clouds
5. Storm
6. Silver Leaves
Label – Nuclear Blast
Release –
30th August 2024

For all things Wintersun, click HERE and to purchase the album,click HERE

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