Wrong – Pessimistic Outcomes

Wrong – Pessimistic Outcomes

28th May 2014 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch

Whether or not you agree with what UKIP say, being in the European Union has made it easier for us in the UK to experience a number of European delights – including cheap lager, cheap holidays in the sun… and a shed load of European metal!

Wrong are from Spain, and the group is a two man project featuring Phlegeton (vocalist for Wormed) and David Pérez (ex-Neverdie, ex-The YTriple Corporation).  Pessimistic Outcomes is their second album (their first, Memories of Sorrow was released last year) and is described as “…an original, corrosive, negative and pessimistic Black Metal…” – which, for me, sums up this album perfectly.

Over the course of these 5 tracks (coming in at a total running time of just over 46 minutes) Wrong take you on a journey of darkness, despair and desolation.  The music is grinding, punchy, with repetitive drum beats and cycling riffs, all topped off with Phlegeton‘s shrieks, sighs, and screams.

Some of the tracks do feel like they go on just a bit too long, but strangely that adds to the experience of listening to this relentlessly dark and haunting music.  This isn’t easy listening – and it isn’t meant to be.

Their label, Xtreem Music, have likened Wrong to bands like Blut aus Nord, Lunar Aurora, Khold, Craft, Taake and early Satyricon.  And while Pessimistic Outcomes isn’t particularly groundbreaking, this is definitely worth checking out if you like dark ambient black metal.

Score: 7.5 out of 10

ALBUM INFOWrong - Pessimistic Outcomes


01.  Thru The Grey Path To Nowhere
02.  His Hatred Breathes
03.  Pessimistic Outcomes
04.  Dragging My Soul Until The Sunset
05.  I Thought I’d Woken

Release Date
April 22nd 2014

Record Label
Xtreem Music


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