Hellripper – Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem

Hellripper – Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem

24th October 2016 0 By Fraser

My first experience with Hellripper was the fantastic split with Mark Riddick’s Fetid Zombie. A few days ago, Hellripper released a compilation of every track they have recorded – including those on the Fetid Zombie split! Prepare yourself for Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem!

With three split releases and an EP across the last two years, James McBain – the creative force behind Hellripper – does not mess around. However, with Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem we have everything the band has done in one convenient package. Peddling a brand of blackened speed metal akin to Toxic Holocaust, Hellripper deliver short, fast carnage. Their sound isĀ  entirely built on a sonic violence that is up-tempo, raw and visceral.

This is not easy listening, dinner party music. That is, unless, your dinner party is with Satan. Black Mass Sacrifice carries an ominous sound throughout, and Hell’s Rock ‘n’ Roll has a distinctly old-school sound to it. Blood On The Cross is utterly visceral in its delivery, and Nuclear Hell sounds like Motorhead had a love-child with a Norwegian church-burner. The highlight of this compilation, however, is Full Moon Witchery. The riffs, the lyrics, the sinister melodic section towards the end – everything about this track just oozes brilliance!

If you are a devout fan of Hellripper, and already own all the releases, then Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem is probably not a sound investment – unless you are a collector. However, for anyone new to the band, I would whole-heartedly recommend this. With every track the band has released already, Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem is your best starting point. The best way to describe the Aberdonian project is “a better Toxic Holocaust” – if that description has your palms sweating, waste no time and order yourself a copy of Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem!

Score: 8 out of 10

AATR Approved






Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem InformationComplete & Total Fucking Mayhem

Track List:
1. Flesh Ripper
2. Total Mayhem
3. Black Mass Sacrifice
4. Trial By Fire
5. Hell’s Rock ‘n’ Roll
6. Armed With The End
7. Full Moon Witchery
8. Nekroslut
9. Mephistophelian Dreams
10. Blood On The Cross
11. Nuclear Hell
12. Nocturnal Terror

Release Date:
21st of October 2016

For fans of…
Sodom, Toxic Holocaust, early-Kreator

Order Complete & Total Fucking Mayhem here!

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