Corinne Cardinal of Valfreya Interview

Corinne Cardinal of Valfreya Interview

16th February 2021 0 By Jon Deaux

Symphonic Viking Metal greats Valfreya hailing from Montreal, have blessed us with their blend of melodic black-folk and periodic stage attire since 2009.

We caught up with vocalist and Warrior Rat Queen, Corrine for a chat about her pet babies. 
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Corrine with her babies

Hi Corrine, thanks for taking the time out during Lockdown 3.0 to have a chat about your animals. We’ve heard you have a few. Tell us about them.

I have 3 fishes: Super Nova, Galaxy and Comet. I also have 5 rats: Wicca, Gandalf the White, Zelda, Bouda and Titite (means Tiny-tiny)… I have a teenage cat named Saroumine


Do you take the rats out with you?

I bring my rats with me to a lot of places (not all together at the same time): stores, party, family supper, chilling with friends…etc. They love it.


What is the best trick your pet can do?

To lick their own ass. haha

Including the fish!? Now that’s a real talent haha

Seriously though, how have your animals been helping you through this unprecedented time?

They have been really comforting. I could not live in an empty house. They are bringing me happiness in my day-to-day life. 

Surprise Ratty!

Having animals around in general seems to help alot of peoples mental health. More so now. Have you always been an animal lover?
Always been an animal lover. The most exotic pets I got were turtles. I must say that pet stores should not sell turtles. People buy small turtles without thinking that they’ll live approximately 30 years old and that they will become a lot bigger. I adopted two rescued turtles and at the end, they were so big that my 80 gallons tank wasn’t big enough.


Have you tried dressing up any of your pets?

I tried but it didn’t work out. So sad…

How do they react to you practicing at home? 

They don’t really seem to care about it.

So the fish don’t seem to like a bit of pumping bass?
I think that they are used to hearing me and to hearing the music I listen to.


A daily outing

Who have you managed to rope in to look after your animals whilst you’re away?

My boyfriend or my sister.

Speaking of practicing, any new music in the pipeline?

We are presently working on a new album. We almost completed it! You might hear some new stuff, late 2021 or beginning of 2022.


Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?

Follow us on Facebook to keep yourselves posted and go take a look to our new music video of ‘Warlords’![su_youtube url=””]

Corrine Cardinal

Check out Valefreya at any of the links below

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