Danny of As Paradise Falls Talks About The Loss Of Hudson
8th February 2021 0 By Jon DeauxAs Paradise Falls are currently single handly redefining what Australian Deathcore should sound like and it’s fuckin brutal. We caught up with Danny Kenneally for a chat about his softer side during Lockdown 3.0
Firstly, we were so sad to hear of Hudsons passing and offer our condolences to you and yours. Secondly THANK YOU for doing this interview during your time of grief. If you’re happy to, tell us about Hudson.

Hudson and the blinds
Thank you for the kind words man much appreciated, pets are the best thing ever and I’m stoked I can talk about my boy! Unfortunately he passed away suddenly late last year but his name was Hudson and he was a 7 year old Aussie Bulldog with one of the most vibrant personalities I’ve come across in a dog.
What was the weirdest thing he’d done?
So this wasn’t super weird just more… hilarious. When he was a puppy, we would leave him at home whilst we went to work and at our front door there was a side panel of glass with blinds. We got home one day to him peaking between the blinds… then the next day he had taken it amongst himself to tear the bottom of the blinds apart so he could see out… THEN the next day after we had cleaned up and left them open slightly for him to see we got back to them completely gone… He had ripped the whole lot off just so he could see out haha. I have a progression photo of his ‘work’… How can you be mad at that face right?
What a little bugger. He’s some boy. Apart from breaking stuff. What was the best trick he’d been taught?
Being an Aussie Bulldog, they’re not very well known for their ‘agility’ but Hudson would be awesome at giving high fives!

Hudson and family
How was Hudson helping you during this pandemic? Were they been comforting, or just driving you nuts?
I was actually extremely fortunate to work through the whole pandemic, it was quite the opposite for me, I was stuck out at work for 7 weeks so I was away from home a lot.
However during this time I know Hudson kept our moral up ALOT particularly my partner who was stuck home and not at work. I would also get a regular FaceTime so he was able to keep my spirits high too and he got a lot of love and attention when I got home that’s for sure!
Have you always been an animal lover? Have you had anything other than dogs as a pet?
Always an animal lover, I’m a mega dog person and many people in my family have had dogs my whole life. I guess I kinda had a pony when I was younger…
Originally I’m from England and on the school holidays I would spend some time in Ireland with my Nan & Grandad where I would help a little with the horse and pony as well as having dogs too so that was cool.
But always a mega dog lover, in particularly as I’ve gotten older my love for dogs has just grown exponentially.

Danny and Hudson
Be honest, (and judging by his face, how could you not) you put him in to costumes.
No way! I’m not into that at all haha. My partner and her sister are more into doing that when I’m not around because they know what I’m like.
However I don’t think Hudson cared either way so long as there was a cheeky treat involved!
How was Hudson when you practised at home or did he have any influence on your music? Did he seem to prefer any particular genre of music more than another?
Not really! I like to think Hudson hated Cardi B just like me… But honestly he was super chill with whatever we were blasting whether it be full on deathcore or Grime, he was chill.
Who looked after Hudson whilst you were away on tour/holiday?
My partner or one of our families would have Hudson and they’d love having him just as much as he’d love being there as both of our families have Chocolate Labradors so they were his brothers and were pretty inseparable at times!
With Lockdown 3.0 over here in the UK and this global pandemic, are you looking to get another pet to help stop you from climbing the walls. Or do you find that music is helping now?
Before Hudson passed we had a plan to get him a little brother, a French Bulldog. With Hudson’s sudden passing we put that plan on pause as we weren’t ready to make that step as we needed time to grieve and figure out things a little more.
However moving forward we plan on getting his little brother and we have some things in the works for this year as we have a lot of love to give to another fur baby!
I think music always helps. Its helped throughout many tough times in my life and it always will so I count myself lucky that I can have that as my outlet and my ‘mantra’ so to speak.

Hudson and Danny
Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline? If so when is it due and what can your audience expect?
Always working on new music. The world is on its knee’s and live music has had a massive pause button hit. I think it’s a perfect time for musicians to be writing and to push that new music to the next level. We have new music, we are channelling our aggression into our outlet and it will be unleashed later this year.
What have you been listening to lately?
Honestly, a lot of non-heavy music. New Dizzee Rascal is epic, Ocean Wisdom, Stormy and I’ve recently discovered a band called Splurgeboys and one called Dropout Kings which I’m enjoying a lot currently.
In terms of heavy music, it would be illegal not to slam the new Emmure, Chelsea Grin always makes an appearance, Darko US, Korn and I’ve only just discovered Within Destruction which I’ve also been enjoying a lot!
Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?
I just wanna say a massive thank you from myself and Ravi for listening to our music. Sometimes the mental stress of being in a band can take its toll and be quite discouraging, but simply seeing your plays go up on streaming services and YouTube etc is really cool and encouraging to know that you guys are listening and enjoying what we’re doing. So keep following us, keep up-to-date with our socials and you can support us further by visiting our merch store where we can make more than $0.00002 a sale haha.
We love you guys, stay safe!
Once again Danny, thank you for your time and agreeing to this interview.. It was fun.
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I am Legion for we are many