Defects – Modern Error – CD Review

Defects – Modern Error – CD Review

27th May 2024 0 By Jon Deaux

“Modern Error” by Defects, their first album, is a real kick in the metalcore genre. The band does an awesome job of mixing heavy instrumentals with emotional lyrics. Throughout the album, you can feel the intense aggression and captivating melodies. Tony Maue, the vocalist, totally kills it with his versatile performance, switching smoothly from intense screams to powerful melodies.


Tracks like “Lockdown” and “Scapegoat” shows off Maues ability to convey raw emotion. The guitar work by Luke Genders and James Threadwell  is top-notch, with a mix of heavy riffs and intricate melodies. The rhythm section, led by David Silver on bass and drummer Harry Jennings, provides a strong foundation. Songs like “Echo Chamber” and “Modern Error” highlight their technical skills and tight cohesion as a band.


The production of “Modern Error” is polished but still keeps that raw edge crucial for metalcore. The mixing gives every element its moment to shine, from the heaviest breakdowns to the subtler melodic lines, making each track stand out. The album’s lyrics delve into introspective and dark themes, exploring inner turmoil, societal pressures, and the search for identity. This depth adds complexity and relatability, inviting listeners to connect on a personal level. Tracks like “Another Heart To Bleed” and “Second To None” definitely showcase their thoughtful and provocative lyrics.

While “Modern Error” is a solid debut, there are moments where the band sticks to genre norms, making some tracks feel a bit predictable. However, these instances are few and don’t take away from the overall impact of this record.


In a nutshell, “Modern Error” is a promising debut that establishes Defects as a strong presence in the metalcore scene. With its blend of aggression, melody, and emotional depth, the album will resonate with fans of the genre and beyond. Defects have set the bar high for themselves, and it’ll be exciting to see how they grow and build on this strong foundation in their future work.

Score- 7/10
Track List

1. Intro

2. Scapegoat

3. End of Days

4. Dream Awake

5. Another Heart To Bleed

6. Recurring

7. Lockdown

8. Echo Chamber

9. Interlude

10. Modern Error

11. Broken Bloodlines

12. Second To None

13. Gone To Waste
Label – Mascot
Release – 24th May 2024

For all things Defects, click HERE, and to purchase the album, click HERE

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