Guitarist Heber Pampillon of Kickin Valentina Interview
22nd January 2021 0 By Jon DeauxKickin Valentina are a hard rockin band from Atlanta who got their name from a porn star called Valentina who kicked guys in the testicles (a decent paying job if you can get it apparently) and are due to drop their new album 22nd January 2021. We caught up with founder Heber to discuss his menagerie.
I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and an African Grey Parrot in my house. I used to have 3 more dogs that past away in the last couple of years. We have Chandler, Robbie, Anikan, Melody, Gonzo and Vinnie. They vary in age from 1yr to 28 years (Gonzo.. parrots can live up to 80 years plus.)
What’s the weirdest thing you have done with your pet?
Nothing weird besides waiting for them to answer me when I talk to them.
What is the best trick Gonzo or Chandler can do?
Well Gonzo has a vocabulary of over 1000 words…yes he curses! Chandler our Standard poodle is very intelligent so he does quite a few different tricks. He has an obsession with tennis balls…he plays catch by himself..
This past year has been pretty manic, how has your pet helped being at home for you? Have they just been driving you nuts?
Well I haven’t spent more time at home than normal but my wife spends a lot of time with them. They have moments when they want to run a mock just like we do.
Have you always been an animal lover?
Yes, I always have been an animal lover. I used to own an all Natural Holistic pet store. That’s where Jimmy (Berdine, drummer) and I met. He use to come in and buy dog food for his dogs.
Are you one of those people that puts your pets into costumes?
No costumes, but we do dye our dog’s hair all the time.
Do they like it when you practise at home? We’re guessing that they’re fans of Kickin Valentina
They are all big Kickin Valentina fans!
Who looks after your pet whilst you’re away on tour/holiday?
My wife Dianne takes care of our pets while I’m on tour and all the time. She’s the leader of the pack and we all listen to her! LOL
Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline?
Yes, our new album The Revenge of Rock released on January 22. This is our most diverse album to date. There’s something for everyone to enjoy on it!
Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?
Yes, we love our fans they are the best in the world. They are the reason we do this. We can’t wait to see our crazy KV Mob on the road.
Thank you for your time. Stay safe and well
For all things Kickin Valentina, click HERE and to purchase the new album, click HERE
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I am Legion for we are many