Impavidus Interview

Impavidus Interview

28th July 2016 0 By DJ Pixie

Impavidus very kindly took time out of their incredibly hectic schedulel to answer a few questions

We last caught up with you guys at the Grand Central all dayer ‘Metal Rites’ in Manchester, what have you guys been upto since then?

Well first of all thanks to the organisers of the competition for letting us play a role in that final alldayer. Considering we’ve not been around that long it was a priviage.
Since then we have been booking more shows for the rest of year, one of which we’re putting together is like a mini tour in december along with friends Deified and God Shaped Devil.
We’ve just booked our next studio session in early 2017 for a follow up EP at Skyhammer Studios with again Producer Chris Fielding.
Currently also writing new material, perfecting our stage show and constructing a music video to be shot this year.

Where did the name Impavidus come from?

Well the short story is Impavidus means “Fearless” in latin which Chris came up with, which fitted in well with our motto “There are no rules, no restrictions and no preconceived ideas of how the music should sound”.

What do you think about competitions such as ‘Metal 2 The Masses’ where bands duel it out on stage for a spot on Bloodstock?

It’s great to give bands that opportunity and it certainly weeds out the bands that aren’t ready or aren’t good enough. The one thing it does well, is it highlights the bands who can really put on a show and entertain an audience.
There aren’t many bands at this level who pay attention to their stage presence. Too many hide behind their guitars or stare a their shoelaces.
So when a band gets on stage and blows you away either with their music or stage presence, then you take notice and these battle of the bands allow the organisers to see something that you can’t capture on an mp3.

What sort of challenges have you had to overcome as a band?

To impress audiences enough so that they support and follow the band. To continue to write interesting music that we enjoy listening to and playing. To get onto bigger stages and play with touring bands, as well continuing to balance our band with our jobs and families

If you ever put one of your songs into an advertisement, what would it be advertising?

Now this has been a difficult one to chose as you can imagine. But we think, as our music is often described as ferocious and driving,  our music could be advertising extreme sports or rollercoasters.

On the basis it’s one hell of a thrill ride and you’ll want to come back for more!

Do you guys regularly rehearse your set in order to perfect your performance?

Yes we rehearse at least twice a week and always plan ahead for the following week.

Do you create opportunities to interact with and associate with your fans?

From day one, Impavidus have always said Social Media was going be our 5th Member.

‘Quote from Broken Amp’ “Another area the band have excelled in is social media, a compliment not often given in this day and age owing to how difficult it is to get right.”

The credit goes to Chris. It was his idea to post topics which don’t relate directly to the band and it’s working really well. People are engaging with the band because we aren’t begging them to buy our EP or a T-shirt.
“You can’t just take money and time from people, you have to give something back.
We’re trying to create a community for bands and fans to work together not against one another. We produce a lot entertainment through our social feeds, unlike most bands whom constantly talk about themselves.

Do you guys have jobs and/or the lifestyle that enables you to take time off and hit the road?

We can hit the road around our jobs using paid and unpaid time off, we just have to be clever about where and when we play.

What music are you listening to at the moment,what music would we find downloaded on your phone/iPod?

We all enjoy music, but we don’t all drink from the same cup. We like to listen to all types of music such as pop, dance, country, soundtracks. You’d be amazed at how different types of music can influence your song writing.

Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

We would like to thank every single person that has supported us so far, without them we can’t continue.

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