Kim Jennett – Bannermans – Edinburgh – 21st October 2023

Kim Jennett – Bannermans – Edinburgh – 21st October 2023

23rd October 2023 0 By Jon Deaux

The last show I saw before COVID-19 forced Lockdown 1 was Myke Gray and Kim Jennett. I’d seen Kim Jennett front at a Hard Rock Hell event prior to this as she was on the main stage with Mr. Gray and on the 2nd stage with Voodoo Blood. (I highly recommend their 2  Anabolic Blues and Fresh Hell)

She has been fantastic every time, so I thought I’d bob along on the off chance of being entertained a 4th time. 

Holy shit did the pocket rocket not disappoint me. 

Kicking off with the incredible Psycho it wasn’t long before Kim was 3 songs deep before she even took a breath.
[su_youtube url=”” title=”Dolby Atoms Version”]
Kim had all the energy of a rat trapped in a can. Quite simply, outstanding. Their cover of the Rage Against The Machine track Bulls On Parade was amazing and a total surprise. My jaw was on the floor

The Broodiness of Burn mixed with the sex-laden Skin On Skin and the superb Black Mirror were firm highlights. But the breakout moment for myself was the inclusion of Let Me Be The One. Not only is it my favorite studio track of hers, but live, it shows off Kims’ vocal range perfectly. [su_youtube url=”” title=”Dolby Atoms Version”]

To close the night off Kim and the band pulled off a demogogic rendition of the Led Zeppelin classic Immigrant Song. 

The 80-minute set was absobloodylutely fabulous and Kim is an absolute powerhouse of a singer with a band that is just as powerful backing her. 

James and his protege Olivia did a great job on the front-of-house sound and of course, the legend that is Mr. Kimmett put on yet another top night at the infamous Bannermans Bar.

For all things Kim Jennett, click HERE

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