Ledmotiv debuts in the unique genre ’Orchestral Metal’
12th September 2022 0 By Jon DeauxThe swedish trio that forms Ledmotiv will unleash their debut music video ’The Man in Silver’ in a genre they coin themselves, namely ’orchestral metal’.
”If orchestral metal didn’t exist before, it does now” – Viktor Hakan, composer and drummer of Ledmotiv.
The songs aren’t only unique in their genre, but also in the creational process, where the old school meets the new. The recording of heavy rock instruments is layered with an immense web of digital orchestral instruments. Since 2018 Viktor Hakan has been working with finalizing Ledmotiv’s first album.
“I wanted to do what Metallica did with the S&M orchestra, but all the way from the start. Today, only well-renowned high budget bands play with orchestras. We are brave enough to change that.”
Viktor also claims Ledmotiv does something bands such as Metallica won’t do, which is focusing on the symphonic. ”The songs are written for an orchestra, and in my opinion, that makes all the difference. Musically, we can do a lot of crazy things that aren’t possible for a 4 piece metal band, even if they orchestrate their songs”.
In the debut video The Man in Silver we follow an astronaut’s thoughts as he is hired at Nasa. “The video is happy and playful to capture the mind of a man who is about to fulfil his life-long dream”, Viktor says. “It’s kind of the feeling of getting into a band, except the band is Metallica or Iron Maiden”, he continues.
The Man in Silver can be found here:
Ledmotiv will release The Man in Silver as a single and music video to all platforms 2 september. Other songs from the upcoming album will be released later on this year.
About Ledmotiv:
Ledmotiv consists of:
Viktor Envall, founder, composer and drummer.
Fredrik Vahlgren, singer.
Nils Leufvenius, guitarist.
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I am Legion for we are many