MyChildren MyBride – Vicious World Album Review
19th September 2017I really shouldn’t like this band. I really shouldn’t like this album. MyChildren MyBride are a duo consisting of vocalist Matthew Hasting and guitarist/vocalist Robert Bloomfield they are also a Christian Metalcore band and they are about to release their new album ‘Vicious World‘ which is their first album while signed to eOne/Good Fight Music.
It is well documented on this site that I really do not like Metalcore (although recently John Deaux has been a crafty bastard and labelled “Metalcore” albums as “Thrash” for me to pick up). What isn’t so widely documented, although I will happily discuss with anyone who asks, is my hatred for religion of any kind so for me to pick up an album from a Christian Metalcore band is either an accidental “Mis-Genre labelling” in the teams “Albums for review workflow tracker” or is some kind of twisted joke by the aforementioned Mr Deaux (I will go with the latter).
Lets get into the review. Album opener XeNo greets you with a crushingly heavy riff and moves swiftly from harsh traditional metalcore style vocals to soft spoken parts and then back to rip your balls off (if you have balls that is, if not, then they can rip your boobies off). The next track is Act I: Elysium which has guest vocals from Tyler “Telle” Smith of Arizona metalcore band The World Alive and although is shorter than the previous track is just as heavy.
Thorns takes the heaviness to the next level and is described by the band as “the lovechild of Marilyn Manson” – listen to the song and you will see why. Act II Sonar is not as heavy as the previous tracks but what it gives way in heaviness it makes up for in melody. And so the album continues, I am not one to give a full track by track account as that would spoil things for you.
As I said right at the start of my review, “I really shouldn’t like this band. I really shouldn’t like this album”…….but I do like this album (fuck you John Deaux, your plan backfired Sir). This is not your typical Metalcore album, this is so much better than other Metalcore albums.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
Vicious World Album Info
Track List:
1. Xen0
2. Act I: Elysium 77 (ft. Telle Smith of The Word Alive)
3. Thorns
4. Act II: Sonar
5. The Acrobat
6. Act III: Wither
7. The Fountain
8. Cicvdvs
9. Act IV: The Laughing Coffin
10. Kevlar (ft. Trav Piper)
11. I.o.u.n.
12. Guardian XIII
Record Label:
eOne/Good Fight Music
Release Date:
13th October 2017