Naked Gypsy Queens: Georgiana – A Review

Naked Gypsy Queens: Georgiana – A Review

3rd February 2022 0 By Owen Edmonds

So there is no real doubt from where the Naked Gypsy Queens hail, the music is filled with a feeling of that a-typical American country/blues sound, Georgiana is a 5 track EP that I really enjoyed.


From the off the music is really good, everything sounds great the guitars have a nice feel, the bass and drums are doing exactly what you expect and want them to do. The singer has a good voice with just a little gravel that reminded me of Gary Stringer of Reef, I think he would’ve fit in with any of those 90’s bands. [su_youtube url=””]

Now 5 songs are not really enough to judge a band, but they give you a feel for them you can infer several things from an EP. And based on these 5 tracks, I think Naked Gypsy Queens could be pretty big.

I’m only going to talk about 1 track however, this is the third track, Strawberry Blonde #24. This starts off as a fairly straight forward track but it is the guitar solo that really kicks this song into next week. The solo is very well crafted with some lovely tempo changes and some awesome techniques. This is the the best thing on the entire EP to me and I look forward to finding out what else these guys can come up with.[su_youtube url=””]


These 5 tracks all sound pretty good with one standout for me. There is a huge amount of potential and I’m looking forward to finding out what else they can create.

Score 8.5/10

Track Listing

Georgiana 2.37

Down to the Devil 3.26

Strawberry Blonde #24 4.20

Wolves 3.51

If Your Name is New York (Then Mine is Amsterdam) 5.02

Label – Mascot
Release – 11th February 2022

For all things related to the Naked Gyspy Queens, Click HERE and to purchase their E.P, click HERE

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