Nordic Noise. A tradition in the Danish rock environment continues.
25th October 2023The first real rock bang of the year is called Nordic Noise. And now, 12 years after the festival first took place back in 2013, we welcome you again – this time on a direct journey back to the 80s.
On the 10th and 11th of May 2024, Nordic Noise 2024 puts on its helmet again and, as is tradition, moves into a new venue.
In 2024, Nordic Noise will take place in the Copenhagen suburb, Hvidovre – at the venue Kometen. Here, Nordic Noise has been given the framework to frolic and put its very own stamp on the festival. In addition to a great line-up with cool hard rock, sleaze rock, and heavy rock bands from the USA, Sweden, Germany, and Denmark, the festival welcomes Copenhagen’s coolest rock bar Zeppelin Rock Bar from Vesterbro to the venue Kometen on 10 and 11 May. Zeppelin Rock Bar will be responsible for a wide selection of drinks and beers. Besides that, there will be a metal market/merch/stands, cafeteria, and pre and after-party with rock DJs. In short, Nordic Noise 2024 will be a themed blast of a party for those who love the hard, melodic rock genre from the 80s.
Performing bands include:
Crashdïet (SE)
Bullet (SE)
Kickin Valentina (US)
Grumpynators (DK)
Violet (DE)
JD Miller (SE)
Street Fighter + special guests (DK)
Michael Catton (DK)
Lady (DK)
Beat The Plane (DK)
Animalize (DK)
& more…
This year’s festival is characterized by a focus on the rock genre from the 80s. Headliners include the sleaze rockers Crashdïet from Sweden, the moped hard rock band Bullet, also from Sweden, and a dear “welcome back” to the favorites from Atlanta, USA, Kickin Valentina, who has a very special history compared to Kometen and Hvidovre.
In 2019, the band was supposed to perform at a Copenhagen venue, which went bankrupt and closed with one day’s notice. When the band was in Copenhagen without a concert, their record company managed to squeeze in a short spontaneous concert at exactly Kometen, together with Grumpynators. The same Grympynators will also perform at Nordic Noise 2024, even with new material in the bag and their first concert at the festival since 2015. From Germany comes Violet, a band faithful to keyboard-oriented 80s rock. Best described as a mix between Nena and Heart! From Sweden also comes JD Miller who plays high-to-the-ceiling melodic AOR hard rock not unlike the compatriots from Eclipse and from the Danish hard rock scene we find Michael Catton, who is currently with his debut album, produced and written in collaboration with the ubiquitous Soren Andersen. The festival also presents Street Fighter – who also has an album up to date with pure Dio heavy metal rock and it is rumored that several prominent guests will be on stage with main man Marco Angioni and his orchestra. From the Danish growth layer, we offer the stylish sleaze-rockers Animalize as well as Lady and Beat The Plane, both relatively new bands that are distinguished by having women in the front. An unprecedented thing within the Danish hard rock scene.
Festival organizer Michael Hvolgaard Andersen says, “It has been important for us this year to make a 100% stylish festival. I love the 80s and look forward to welcoming bands that interpret hard rock, sleaze rock, and heavy metal rock from this decade. Another focal point has been the growth team, so this year we have several completely fresh, young bands on the program who have something to prove. I am especially pleased to see my German favorites Violet, and Danish Lady and Beat The Plane on the bill. The fact that all three bands are also fronted by women does not make it less interesting. On the contrary. There is a need for new blood in the genre that Nordic Noise represents and a need for more girls on stage. After all that has been said, the ultimate highlight will probably be revisited with Crashdïet, who visit Denmark for the first time in over 10 years“.
Tickets: https://billetto.dk/e/nordic–noise–2024–billetter–885556
Note: extra cheap early bird partout tickets are offered until 31/12-23 for just DKK 499, as well as “sweet deals” with drinks and t-shirts.
The 2-day time schedule and one-day tickets will be published after 31/12-23.
Bus 132 and 200S stop directly outside Kometen, which is also less than 1 km. from Friheden Station. Contakt info@nordicnoise.dk www.nordicnoise.dk https://www.facebook.com/Nordicnoisefestival https://www.instagram.com/nordicnoisefestival/