Rocker Cassidy Paris Sits Down With AATR Ahead of her Upcoming Tour For A Tête-à-Tête
3rd June 2024Cassidy Paris is currently in the throws of working hard for the up-and-coming UK tour that starts Fri 12 July in Llandudno at The Motorsport Lounge and finishes Fri 9 August in Gravesend at Leo’s Red Lion. Tickets are selling like hotcakes so make sure you get yours soon. We’ve been told that it’s going to be a kick-ass rock n roll show and AATR managed to get a chat with Miss Paris.
What inspired the theme of your upcoming UK tour?
On our debut album just released in December, we have a song titled ‘Midnight Desire’. We love playing this live and it’s one of our favorites off the album. It was one of those things that just felt fitting for the era we are in right now.Can you share some highlights fans can expect from the “Midnight Desire” tour?
The ‘Midnight Desire’ Tour is our first-ever headlining tour. We can’t wait to play songs that have never been played live before and meet people on this tour in places we have never played shows in before. It all feels very surreal.
How does it feel to embark on your first-ever headlining tour in the UK?
It’s super surreal. It feels like a dream to all of us to be able to play shows internationally at this point in our career. We are very grateful for the support people in the UK have shown us. It’s really starting to feel like a second home.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced while preparing for this tour?
We haven’t yet encountered challenges of such, however- this entire tour has been a huge amount of work for all of us. We are very grateful to the team that works alongside us to make this happen. We have really been working tirelessly to make this tour as good as possible for the people coming out of their way to see the shows. It’s going to be a wild, fun time.
How do you plan to connect with your UK audience, which might be different from your fans back home?
The UK is starting to feel like a second home to us. We love the people that come to see our shows. They are all so lovely when we meet them in person after the show. Meeting people who show up to our dates on the tour is really to myself and the band. I like to thank people for making the effort to come out for us. I don’t like to treat people who support us differently per se however I am forever grateful to our UK family (fans) in particular as they have allowed us to return to the UK through their support of listening to our music and showing up for us when we do head out on tour. We are truly blessed.
Are there any specific cities or venues you’re particularly excited to perform in?
We are equally excited for every single date on the tour. Steelhouse Festival is going to be super fun for us however as it is our very first time performing at this festival and we are on the bill with some of our favorite artists like Mr. Big and fellow female-fronted band The Warning. Can’t wait to check out some of the other bands we haven’t heard of before too!
How has your music evolved since your last tour?
We are playing a bunch of new songs off our debut album ‘New Sensation’ on the tour. We can’t wait for people to hear these come to life on stage.
What message do you hope to convey through your performances on this tour?
Work hard and believe. Myself and the band are constantly aware of the fact that we are always learning. No matter what age we are. We can’t wait to be out on tour and learn new things, see new places and meet new people. We hope fans feel the energy, the belief and the passion we have for this style of music when we take the stage.
Can you tell us about the creative process behind your debut album “New Sensation”?
‘New Sensation’ was a long time coming. I like to describe it as a reflection of my teenage years. I’ve always loved music and songwriting for the reason that it felt like an outlet for me when I felt like I had no one to talk to in high school for instance or generally just something I couldn’t feel I could express. I write about everything I am going through so there is a lot of emotion and growth on that record. I’m really proud of it and I’m so glad people are connecting to it.
It can be lonely being on the road but the human connection at the shows helps offset it a little.
How do you balance the demands of touring with your personal life and well-being?
Honestly, I love being out on the road. I feel most at home on the stage and the band really feel like my family. I think when you have that sort of relationship with the people you are touring with it doesn’t feel as demanding. The band and I try to maintain healthy habits like going to the gym where we can, eating clean etc. It’s truly fun for us to be out on the road. Sickness is sometimes inevitable and everyone tries to work through it where we can. It’s a very supportive environment which helps heaps. It’s rewarding to go to Australia and see my family however I’ve been lucky enough to be brought up in a household where my parents were always supportive of my brother and i’s dreams. I’m aware not everyone has this experience so I feel very lucky and absolutely grateful.
What role do your endorsements with Fender Guitars and Wornstar Clothing play during your tours?
I love talking about Fender and Wornstar. Fender has been an awesome family to be a part of. I feel very honored to be endorsed by them and I will always be a Fender girl. Wornstar has THE coolest rockwear out there. I feel so proud to be an ambassador and will be wearing the pieces consistently on and off the stage on tour. I feel very lucky to be able to work with brands that I truly love. It means the world to me.
As an artist with a strong message, how do you incorporate themes like anti-bullying into your shows?
I like to talk about my experiences with bullying as much as possible. If I’m helping one person that is a win for me.
It’s a conversation that needs to keep being had. It starts at an early age too, & I’m talking 3+
What can your fans do to support you throughout the tour?
Our fans are like our family. We are so grateful for their unwavering support and loyalty to us as a band. It would mean the world to us for fans to come to a live show or support us through the purchase of merchandise on our tour where possible.
Are there any surprises or new elements you’re introducing in your live shows?
There are always surprises but they remain a surprise, hehe.
You tease haha
With such a rigorous schedule, how do you maintain your vocal and musical performance throughout the tour?
I try to be as careful with my voice as possible. Routine is key for me. The standard things as well, keeping up fluids, getting rest where possible, and vocal warmups.
What has touring with your dad taught you?
A lot, haha! Dad is a superstar. He really has taught me essentially everything he knows on tour from how to use the stage to how to organize equipment or even maintain health on tour. Loyalty to your fan base and to the people who help guide you from the beginning is one of the biggest things I have learned from him. He makes a conscious effort to go out of his way with everyone and that is something that I will always value.
Thank you for taking the time out of your tour rehearsals for a quick natter. I look forward to catching one of your shows. On the dates below