Sentient Horror – Ungodly Forms
30th December 2016 0 By Craig
As a lover of old school Death Metal I was keen to hear Ungodly Forms which is the full length debut release by Sentient Horror ever since label owner Thomas Haywood sent me one of their tracks a few months back. I have to be honest though and admit that it wasn’t the music that first caught my attention – it was the cover art. See, as well as an old school DM fan, I am also a fan of old school cover art and this art is so old school it clearly pays homage to Morbid Angel‘s ‘Altars of Madness’ and Obituary‘s ‘Cause of Death’.
Now, back to the music. You would be forgiven for thinking Sentient Horror are a Scandinavian band (they are American) – think old school Entombed sound and you wouldn’t be far wrong. This is not Death Metal ‘paint by numbers’, this is Death Metal done right and the fact that the band was originally formed in 2015 and have managed to secure a record deal in such a short amount of time shows that each and every member knows their stuff!
The music delivers with as much hard hitting punches as Mike Tyson delivered in the 1990’s. We are talking beautifully crafted riffs, grooves, vocal delivery, drums, solo’s…..everything. I seriously cannot praise this album enough. Fans of Old School DM (Dismember, Entombed, Unleashed) will love this album, in fact, up to me hearing this album I had my top 5 of 2016 all mapped out in my head – this album has just gone and fucked that list up something royal!
P.S. If my review hasn’t told you to go and buy this album then here is a little sweetener…..Dan Swano has had a hand in this album – there, now BUY THE FUCKING ALBUM!
Reader album rating: [ratings]
1. Into the Abyss…
2. Abyssal Ways
3. Die Decay Devour
4. Blood Rot
5. Splinter the Cross
6. Beyond the Curse of Death
7. Ungodly Forms
8. Suffer to the Grave
9. A Host of Worms
10. Of Filth and Flesh
11. Mourning (Instrumental)
12. Celestial Carnage
Release Date:
9th December 2016
Record Label:
Redefining Darkness Records (North America)
Testimony Records (Europe)
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Owner of All About The Rock and just a generally really nice guy...honest!...Ask anyone ;)