Sepulchre Of Man’s Alec Larsen gets Pookie-Boo with AATR

Sepulchre Of Man’s Alec Larsen gets Pookie-Boo with AATR

16th March 2021 0 By Queen Nikki

Hailing from South Africa are Symphonic Extreme Metal Super Group Sepulchre of Man. We were in touch with Bassist and Vocalist Alec Larsen (Surdus, Omentum, Forsaking Fate) to get the lowdown on his seriously metal cat.

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Heya Alec, at all about the Rock, we consider ourselves pet lovers, which is why we want to know all about yours! How many pets do you have? What are their names and why? How long have you had them? Tell us all about them!

I have one pet: a cat. Her full name is Pookie Boo (Shredder of Flesh, Biter of Skin, Destroyer of Worlds) but we call her Pookie Boo for short. She’s been with my wife and I for about 8 months.

Well that is definitely an interesting name for a cat. She sounds cute! 

What is the weirdest thing your cat does? 

She loves weird foods for a cat, including papaya and peanut butter.

Pookie Boo

Peanut butter you say? What is the best trick she can do?

She plays fetch with scrunched up pieces of paper. She also chases a ball if we throw it for her.


Well at least that’s entertaining. 

This past year has been pretty manic, so you’ve no-doubt, like the rest of us, spent a lot of time at home. How has your Pookie Boo helped being at home for you? Has she been comforting, or has she just been driving you nuts?

She came into our lives early during lockdown and she’s brought nothing but joy and extra love to an already loving household. Us being at home is all she knows – so she’s had the best life.


Have you always been an animal lover? Have you ever owned any exotic or different pets?

With both my parents being vets I’ve always been around animals. Prior to Pookie, I was very much a dog person while my wife is a cat person. I’ve since converted to the cat side.


Well welcome to the dark side. Are you one of those people that puts your pets into costumes?

No not really. But my wife recently bought a lion mane for Pookie, which she hates but we love.


Do they like it when you practise at home or has your pet had any influence on your music? Do they seem to prefer any particular genre of music more than another?

She doesn’t really have a choice, growing up with two metalheads. But she seems to like the music.

Well at least she doesn’t hate it right? 

Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline? IF so when is it due and what can your audience expect?

Sepulchre Of Man’s debut album should be coming out late 2021. You can expect some epic symphonic death metal.

Woohoo! New Music! 

Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?

Thanks for the support. Be safe and look after yourselves during this trying time.

Thank you for your Time today Alec! Cuddle Peekie-Boo for us!


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