U.K. Subs: Work In Progress, Double 10″ Review
14th April 2022The UK Subs have been a part of the British Punk/Pub Rock music scene since 1976 and some of you may even be aware of them and not even realise. Guns n Roses covered the UK Subs Down On The Farm on their The Spaghetti Incident record and didn’t do a bad job of it either.
However, I’m not here to review GnR, I’m here to review the reissue of Work In Progress which finds itself back on vinyl for the 1st time in over a decade. This is a gorgeous remaster, spread over 2 10″ E.Ps (one silver and 1 gold) and they sound sublime.
Strychnine (originally recorded by The Sonics’) has always been a firm favourite of mine but now it sounds a lot larger with many of the nuances that were missing from previous pressings.
It’s not just the afore mentioned track that sounds better, the whole darn album does, and with no more than 4 tracks per side, the stylus is given room to breathe in the groove too. It sounds flarking ferocious and the tracks don’t just blur into one anymore.
Hats off to the label Captain Oi for making this available on vinyl yet again but offering it up as a double 10″ makes all the difference sonically.
Work in Progress is still as Radio Unfriendly as ever.
This is a must have for the fans as well as the collectors.
Score 8/10
Track Listing:
1 Creation
2 Tokyo Rose
3 Hell Is Other People
4 The Axe
1 Radio Unfriendly
2 This Chaos
3 Guru
4 Eighteen Wheels
1 Children Of The Flood
2 All Blurs Into One
3 Blood
1 Rock N Roll Whore
2 Strychnine
3 Robot Age
Label – Captain Oi!
Release – 29th April 2022
For all things UK Subs related, click HERE and to purchase the album, click HERE