Venus 5 – Venus 5 – CD Review
20th June 2022 0 By Jon DeauxIt would be so easy to write Venus 5 off at 1st glance as a heavy metal version of the Spice Girls if the songs were crap and the level of musicianship was crap. Sadly that is NOT the case with Venus 5.
Yes they are ‘developed (or manufactured)’ by Frontiers label boss Serafino Perugino but the musicians behind them have quite a bit of pedigree. Including Jake E (Cyrha, ex-Amaranthe), Stefan Helleblad (Within Temptation) and Per Aldeheim (Def Leppard, H.E.A.T). So , as you can imagine, if the project was going to suck, these folks reputaions are on the chopping block.
Herma, Karmen, Jelena , Tezzi and Erina are all superb vocalists and gel incredibly well together.
The album is truly a hard hitting affair and will be a hit with fans of Edge Of Paradise, Volturian and alike. Venus 5, just like those mentioned, are just different enough to be interesting and well worth a look out for.
I was (and still am) surprised by this album and the level of talent that’s on it. There’s everything you want on this record and more (anthemic choruses, brutal rifss and solos that will liquify your ears.)
It’s not a record that’s going to set the hard rock and heavy metal universe alite, but it’s a good, fun, fist pumping record with enough going for it to make it worth a purchase.
Score 7/10
1 Lioness
2 The Simulation
3 Nothing But A Heartache
4 Bride With Blackened Eyes
5 Monster Under Your Bed
6 Inside
7 Tom And Ms. Amy Lee
8 Because Of You
9 We Are Dynamite
10 Save You
11 Bury Me
Label – Frontiers
Release – 10th June
For all things Venus 5, click HERE and to purchase the album, click HERE
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I am Legion for we are many