Vulvodynia sign to Unique Leader, announce album and unveil lyric video
11th May 2021 0 By Jon DeauxSouth African death metal six-piece Vulvodynia have released new single / lyric video ‘The Shadowy Descent of Gaia’, and announced the release of new album Praenuntius Infiniti, out 17th September via Unique Leader Records.
Pre-order Praenuntius Infiniti here: https://orcd.co/praenuntiusinfiniti
The band comment on signing to Unique Leader: “We’re extremely excited to announce signing to the legendary label Unique Leader Records. Joining this label has been a dream for us since the band first started and it feels incredible to be on such an insane roster.”
An unending sea of carnage, a God-turned-beast devouring everything within its path, an epic, sprawling tale of the consumption of galaxies and their inhabitants – and the duality of battling deities that takes place to bring the reign of Praenuntius to an end. What does this all mean? Simply put, it means Vulvodynia – South Africa’s premium death metal export – are back with Praenuntius Infiniti, their fourth full-length release and a label signing to boot. Completing the tale established in their critically acclaimed 2015 EP Finis Omnium Ignorantiam, Praenuntius Infiniti is one hour of flesh-melting, bone-busting death metal, infused with slamming elements and spine-shrinking breakdowns that capture the very crux of heavy, intense music. Produced by Christian Donaldson (Cryptopsy), the band’s Unique Leader Records debut displays Vulvodynia’s continued maturation and incorporation of melodic, technical and hyper aggressive elements into their backbone of brutal slamming death metal, to achieve what stands as their most diverse, engaging and immolating offer to date.
On new album Praenuntius Infiniti, they continue: “This album really takes the Vulvodynia sound to the next level and incorporates some new genre styles that we grew up on such as tech and melodeath. It was an incredible challenge writing and recording this album during a pandemic, but we put our hearts and souls into this release and we’re honoured to present an album that we’re extremely proud of.”
On the concept, the band conclude: “Praenuntius Infiniti tells the story of an interdimensional godlike being and his quest for ultimate power. After being cast out into the abyss by the elder Gods, Praenuntius begins devouring all of the known Multiverse on his journey to divine omnipotence. At the end of our 2015 release Finis Omnium Ignorantiam the earth gets eaten and travels through centuries of darkness down his gullet into the eternal wasteland of galaxies. The heavens are slowly torn asunder as the Gods scramble for a plan to defeat him. Battles rage and drama unfolds as the earth and other planets within his belly try to fight off the ruthless invasion of his spawn. Shall the Gods prevail or shall Praenuntius devour all!?”
Vulvodynia are:
Duncan Bentley: Vocals
Luke Haarhoff: Guitar
Kris Xenopoulos: Guitar
Lwandile Prusent: Guitar
Chris Van Der Walt: Bass
Thomas Hughes: Drums
Vulvodynia online:
01 – Praenuntius Infiniti
02 – The Shadowy Descent Of Gaia
03 – Eternal Wasteland Of Galaxies
04 – Praenuntius Ascends [Ft. Matti Way & Jon Huber]
05 – Banquet Of Enigmatic Horrors I: Terror
06 – Banquet Of Enigmatic Horrors II: Agony [Ft. Oliver Rae Aleron]
07 – Whispers Of Calamity
08 – The Seven Judges
09 – Ravenous Revolution
10 – A Cosmic Betrayal
11 – The War Within [Ft. Jamie Graham]
12 – Forging The Deity Crusher [Ft. Jawd James]
13 – Funeral Ov The Gods [Ft. Elliot Einstein]
14 – Deicidal Finality
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