Whitesnake – The Purple Album- Special Gold Edition 2LP Review

Whitesnake – The Purple Album- Special Gold Edition 2LP Review

28th September 2023 0 By Jon Deaux

As you know dear reader, I’m not the biggest Whitesnake fan or even of Deep Purple. Even less of the Coverdale era of the Purps. So it’ll be no surprise to you that I ignored this album when it originally came out back in 2015. 

I regret that decision and as you’d expect, being GOLD version, it’s pressed on Gold vinyl. A lovely way to celebrate 50 years since Deep Purple was fronted by Mr. Coverdale.

The Purple album is exactly how I envisioned how Deep Purple SHOULD’VE sounded. It’s hard, heavy and there are plenty of widdle solos courtesy of Reb Beach and Joel Hoekstra to satisfy my taste.

Mr. Coverdale is in fine form and incredibly expressive, especially on  Holy Man.

Mistreated (which happens to be one of my favorite Rainbow tracks) is a mighty fine version. A lot heavier (obviously) than the Dio version, but just as powerful and the solos are ridiculously emotive. 

Sail Away features a beautiful tribute to Jon Lord as well and Fool No One features a little slice of Itchy Fingers for Jeff Beck, both of whom are no longer in this world. 

I wish I had taken the time to put away my pride and give this a listen. I’m genuinely shocked by how good it is. 

Tommy Aldridge is (as always) fabulous on the drums and having bassist and organist Michael Devin in the mix just adds the cherry on the cake. 

If, like me, you have ignored this album or even if you have trepidations about this being a covers/tribute record, have a listen. It’s a bit good. 
Score 8/10

2-LP Track Listing

LP One

  1. Side One
  2. “Burn”
  3. “Lay Down, Stay Down”
  4. “Love Child”
  5. “Holy Man”

Side Two

  1. “The Gypsy”
  2. “Lady Double Dealer”
  3. “Might Just Take Your Life”
  4. “Coming Home”

LP Two

Side One

  1. “Stormbringer”
  2. “Sail Away” (Interpolating “Elegy For Jon”)
  3. “You Keep On Moving”
  4. “Lady Luck”

Side Two

  1. “Mistreated”
  2. “You Fool No One” (Interpolating “Itchy Fingers”) Dedicated in loving memory to Jeff Beck
  3. “Soldier Of Fortune”

Label – Rhino
Release – 13th October

For all things Whitesnake, click HERE and to purchase the album, click HERE

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