Interview with Jimmy MacGregor of Pteroglyph

Interview with Jimmy MacGregor of Pteroglyph

29th June 2015 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch

After their cracking performance at Wildfire Festival we caught up with Jimmy MacGregor from Pteroglyph to learn some more about the band…


Hi Jimmy. How you doing?

Good thanks.

Cool. Do you want to tell our readers about the band?

Well, the band is basically my solo project. So I write, record, produce, sing and… everything basically. The live band you’ve seen today is just some amazing guys that I get in to play.

Really? So you play everything on the EPs you’ve recorded?

Yeah, I play, sing… everything.


Yeah. It’s my baby (laughs)

And how long has Pteroglyph been going?

I started doing it in 2012, so not that long I suppose. But it’s been a massive learning curve of just trial and error… lots of doing it wrong and finally getting there (laughs)

So you write it, you play it, you record it, you produce it, you sorted out the artwork and the videos… ?


That’s amazing. But I suppose it means you get complete artistic control of everything that way and can make it exactly how you want?

Yeah, and that’s the whole idea. I was in another band for about 5 years, and we did loads of stuff like touring all over all over the place. But I left it to do this so that I could have complete creative control.

Well, I suppose if you’re in a band you have to compromise, because you’re working with other people who have their own ideas and their own goals and priorities and stuff.

Exactly. And I used to get frustrated, because I’d bring ideas up and they wouldn’t work out sometimes. It got to the point where I’d just had enough of listening to other people when I was like… well I’ve got the energy and the drive to do all this myself, and I’m quite happy to do it. So I was like, I’m just going to do it.


But before I started all this in 2012 I’d never sung a note in my life

Really? Bloody hell.

Yeah (laughs)

So doing the first EP I brought out… I had no clue what I was doing, and no real idea how to sing. I just went for it.

That is really cool. It’s nice to meet someone who is so passionate about what they’re doing – so much so that they fully want to do it on their own terms.

Yeah, and it’s all kind of artistic I guess. In the sense that I’m not trying to be a certain style or anything, it’s just complete creative output

So do you play live much?

Yeah, earlier this year we played a couple of small tours with some local bands. And last year we were on tour with a Polish band. I want to play as much as possible but it’s so much hard work doing everything. I think I’m getting to the point where I maybe need some sort of management or agent, or something to help with that side of things. But it would have to be someone who can understand what I’m trying to do and let me do it. But yeah, I’d like to keep gigging… and play some more festivals !

Well, I hope so too, because the crowd were really getting into it in your set earlier.

Thanks. That’s really cool.

So which do you prefer: the live stuff, or the recording / studio side of things?

All of it. I love all of it. That’s why I’m doing this – because I’ve got so much energy and love for the music and the whole thing.

Recording is fun. But I am still working out how to do it. When I started all this I’d never really recorded anything before… it’s just a huge learning curve.

But I’m self employed so that helps in terms of how I can manage my time to do everything.

So what’s next for Pteroglyph ?

Well, I’m currently recording my first full-length album. I’m midway through that. It’s going slowly because there’s lots to do, but hopefully it’ll all be done by the end of the year.

That’s great news!


So how do you think you’ll release the album when it’s done? Will you self release it?

Well, once I’ve finished it I’m thinking of approaching some labels – that would be ideal. But if not, I’m still going to fucking do it (laughs)

Well, thanks for your time today Jimmy – I really appreciate you giving our readers a chance to learn more about you and the band.

My pleasure, cheers.


You can currently download the entire Pteroglyph back-catalogue for free from the bandcamp link below – check it out !!


Pteroglyph live

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