Bri Cowgill of Rockers – Beauty Is Betrayal – Speaks Moose
14th February 2021 0 By Jon DeauxBeauty Is Betrayal rage in Sacramento and vocalist Bri helps them stand miles above every other band of their genre with her unique delivery. We caught up with her to discuss Moose

Bri and Moose
Moose is a corgi, I’ve had her for 5 amazing years. I took a road trip to Oregon to get her, and I was inspired by the woods/landscape. I laid eyes on her, and she looked like a Moose. The rest is history.
What is the weirdest thing Moose does?
There isn’t a day that goes by where Moose doesn’t do anything weird. She is who she is. The most recent weird event was when she decided to take a nap in this huge flower pot we have. She has done that more than once, but it throws me off when I see her in there.
Have you taught Moose any tricks?
Moose can balance a treat on her nose, and on my command, she will ‘get it’.
How has Moose helped you deal with the current global pandemic?
It was almost a dream come true when I started working from home. I get to be with my dog all the time. She doesn’t bug me at all. The nights where I was struggling with my thoughts, or where my future will go.
Moose comes up really close to me & lets me hug her for a while. She is my best friend, I tell her all my secrets. haha
Hey, absolutely nothing wrong about telling secrets to your pet. We’re all guilty of doing it
Have you always been an animal lover?
I compare my love of animals to Ace Ventura. I’ve had many different kinds of animals, and I don’t think I’m stopping any time soon. I always had some kind of animal as a kid, they are magical.
Have you ever dressed Moose up?
I am guilty of putting my dog in costumes. However, when I do, it’s Halloween time, or it’s for some giggles.
How does Moose react to you practicing at home?
We have a rehearsal spot, so Moose stays home when we practice. She is a total studio dog and will be there when we write. I want to say she likes metal, but I never paid attention to her moods when music is playing.
Who looks after your pet whilst you’re away on tour/holiday?
My dad & step-mom are so in love with Moose, they beg me to go out of town, so they can watch her. I’m really grateful that they love my dog as much as I do. (if not more) I don’t have to worry.
Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline? IF so when is it due and what can your audience expect?
We are releasing a new track on March 5th, called K.I.L.L. Our fans can expect to turn this one up to 11. In some kind of weird way it speaks to the crazy times, we’re in.
Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?
Hug your pets & keep on keepin’ on.
Thanks for your time Bri. Hopefully it wont ne long until we see you on a stage,
For all things Beauty is Betrayal, click HERE
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I am Legion for we are many