Death Ape Disco – Supervolcano

Death Ape Disco – Supervolcano

12th October 2013 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch

On Friday night I went along to the first day of the Edinburgh Haddowfest festival, to see local based pop-rockers, Hagana.

I actually got there early and arrived at the venue just as Death Ape Disco took to the stage.

This five-piece from Brighton played an amazing set of hard rock tunes – featuring some fantastically catchy hooks, impressive riffs, and an underlying groove that got the crowd going from the off.

I was so impressed with what I’d seen and heard that I bought a copy of the album, Supervolcano, from them as soon as they’d finished their set.


Opener, ‘Kingdom Of Others’ has a hard-hitting southern rock vibe to it, with some added grunge and stoner rock influences.  It’s catchy, fast and furious, and it sets the tone perfectly for the rest of the album.

Second track ‘Suffocate’ has an awesomely groovy – almost RATM-esq start, before the screaming vocals kick in and things pick up a gear to create a brutal groove-ridden track that will have you headbanging along like a maniac.

The rest of the album is equally impressive.  These guys know how to write a damn good tune and, despite the obvious influences of Alice In Chains, Pantera, and Monster Magnet, they have developed a unique sound of their own that perfectly combines hard rock, groove metal and some more experimental elements.

The musicianship on this album is first class and, although each band member is allowed to shine, it’s all balanced nicely so that they all compliment each other well with their playing.  Front man Robert Rainford‘s is a talented singer with a vocal range that means his singing varies in style to suit each track.  The production on the album is also incredibly professional and listening to this it’s hard to believe that these guys aren’t on a major record label.

On the basis of Supervolcano, Death Ape Disco are going to go places. I’ve had this album on repeat play since I got it, and it gets better and better with each listen.

Do yourself a favour and get yourself a copy of this NOW – the album is currently available from their bandcamp page ( as a name-your-price digital download, or as a physical CD for £7.


Score: 9 out of 10

AATR Approved


death ape disco




01.  Kingdom Of Others
02.  Suffocate
03.  10,000 Years
04.  Grinding Down The Sun
05.  Eclipse
06.  Death Ape Disco
07.  Mars

Release Date

6th March 2013

Record Label




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