1st April 2017Gévaudan are a 4 piece Doom metal band based in Hertfordshire who delivers crushing riffs with a dark atmospheric wave of traditional doom.
These guys took time out of their hectic schedule at Hammerfest to sit and have a chat with us.
Read n what these guys had to say…
Hi guys how are you doing?
Andy – Yea we are all very well thank you, and yourself?
Yes, I’m great cheers guys!
I saw your set last night, it was incredible, you had a great turn out, and how did you guys find it?
Andy – The stage was really good.
Adam – The sound was great.
Bruce – The overall experience was incredible and the sound was bang on.
Andy – We had to follow Boss Keloid who were amazing, so we had to up our game, we have been so looked after by the team from the moment we arrived, they have been superb.
The sound was so well-balanced usually on smaller stages in smaller venues the sound in punishably loud, but here they have got the sound down it was spot on.
What is it about Hammerfest that draws you in to play here?
Bruce – You get to meet new people; everyone seems to know everyone else. There’s a real sense of community here.
Andy – The balance here is just right they mix the big names with underground bands which are really nice.
You guys will be playing a charity festival in May alongside Warlord have you got anything lined up for that?
Andy – We can’t wait to play that event it’s going to be a great night for all involved.
Bruce – We have a few gigs lined up, we have Riffmas in November with Slabdragger.
Andy – We are writing over summer, we have some riffs we really like so we just need to put it all together.
Any exclusives guys?
Andy – Grumbles
Are you going on tour with anyone will you be supporting anyone?
Bruce – Nothing we can release as of yet
Oh, so there is something in the pipeline then?
Andy – Nothing we can talk about unfortunately
Your EP ‘Litost’ was released in November, how did the recording go for that?
Andy – It went great really smooth, the guys did 2 days in the studio doing all the instrumentals then we sorted the vocals out and mixing, so yea it all went as planned.
Bruce – We record where we rehearse, so it’s a natural environment for us, we are still building our studio experience so it still feels pretty new for us when it comes to recording.
The name ‘Litost’ is quite unusual, where did that come from?
It’s a near untranslatable Czech meaning, I can’t remember the exact translation but it means along the lines of ‘loss, dread, despair’, it ties in with the themes of the tracks.
How do you find time to balance out band life with family life, like you Andy you have kids back at home, how do you find it being away from them?
My kids are 3 and 4, it is weird, I tell them about it before I leave, but It is hard leaving their little faces it does pull on your heart-strings, but coming home to them getting massive cuddles from them is the best feeling in the world.
I have a really understanding partner who supports my music and touring so I’m really lucky like that.
It’s all about planning and juggling, scheduling around work kids and family it all has to be evened out, at the end of the day we all have bills to pay.
The kids see photos and videos, they sort of get it and see it as daddy’s second job, and they know I come home afterwards, they are all really supportive.
When are you hoping to get your album out?
Andy – We are hoping to get the album out there for mid-2018. We self-manage and do all the production ourselves so we aren’t set to time limitations. With no deadlines, we can work on it without having to rush it so we can fine tune it and get it sounding the way we want it to sound, without the stress of working to someone else’s time frame. We want to take our time and make sure it’s the best material we have to put out there. It should be a good product at the end.
Is there anything you would like to say to your followers?
Bruce – Anyone who supports us we are so grateful, thank you.
Thanks for your time guys!