Horrid – Sacrilegious Fornication

Horrid – Sacrilegious Fornication

25th May 2014 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch

Italy’s Horrid’s newest record, Sacrilegious Fornication, is a chunky slab of early death metal stylings that intends to bulldoze you over, but more or less put me to sleep. Having been around since 1989, Horrid are no stranger to the scene, and creating classic death metal is their sole mission. It sounds as though time hasn’t changed much for the Italian outfit. I wonder if they even know that it is more than 20 years since the heyday of all that is gory. This is not a knock by any means, but rather a testament to how authentic it sounds to that time period. Recorded by Thomas Skogsberg at Sunlight Studios in Sweden, Sacrilegious Fornication oozes the classic Swedish guitar tone of early Entombed or Grave while the riffage also borrows from these bands, especially the latter.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3605935230 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

Unlike Grave however, Horrid can’t seem to hold my interest. All the songs seem to stream together without anything really noticeable happening – I was halfway through the record without even knowing it. So while Horrid are no strangers to the style, they also are not pushing it either. They are sort of floating in this murky bacteria infested swamp from 1989 and are stuck there.

While not a terrible release, you wouldn’t be missing anything by not listening either.

SCORE –  4 out of 10

maxresdefaultALBUM INFO

Track Listing:

1. Sacrilegious Fornication
2. Vortex of Primordial Chaos
3. Necromancy
4. Demonic Sadocarnage
5. Blood on Satan’s Claw
6. The Fire of Impenitence
7. Diocletianic Persecution
8. Goddess of Heretical Perversity
9. Massacra (HELLHAMMER)

Record Label:
Dunkelheit Produktionen

Release Date:
7th November 2013

For Fans of:
Nihilist, Autopsy, Death (early), Grave

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