John Deauxs 2016 Round Up
31st December 2016As 2016 nears its close, it’s time for a quick round-up of my highlights.
Album of the year has to go to Anthrax – For All Kings.
Not only has this not been off the office stereo since it’s release in February, but it surpassed all expectations.
Worship Music was a fine album & was going to be a hard album to top.But fuck me did Anthrax do it with For All Kings. So many killer tracks, hooks, anthemic choruses & of course the guitar solos that melt your face.
Gig of the year goes to Symphony X – Glasgow Garage, 16th February 2016.
Michael Romeo is one of the best guitarists I’ve yet experienced live. An incredible player.
The best festival of the year must go to Hard Rock Hell. AATR were lucky enough to be invited to HRH United back in March which was the amalgamation of AOR & Hammerfest, but we were invited back to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Hard Rock Hell itself.
Not only are both of these festivals the most fun you can have with your clothes on, but you get the creature comforts of a caravan (& for a 40+ fat bastard it beats the hell out of camping in a wet field with no guarantee of your tent still being there in a torrential downpour). The beers cheap, the food is great & as it’s hosted at a Haven Holiday Camp you have plenty of proper amenities (proper toilets none of the chemical bollocks) & an indoor market, consisting of many a stall selling various items of apparel, CDs, vinyl, jewellery & collectible artwork.
If you’re thinking of going.. Don’t hesitate & book ASAP as it sells out incredibly fast.
Motley Crues The End
takes live DVD highlight of 2016. Filmed New Years Eve 2015 & their last concert EVER. This is such an amazing show. Lights, pyro, a roller coaster, cherry pickers that transport band members OVER the crowd & of course a bass that spits fire. An arena rock show doesn’t get much bigger or better than this. Motley really do go out with a bang.
Movie of the year is a no brainer. Deadpool.

It’s not a typical super hero movie. It break the 4th wall on numerous occasions & is genuinelly hilarious. If you haven’t seen it, it’s an absolute must. Even if you don’t like Marvel movies or you’re not a geek in the slightest but you do like a bloody good laugh, WATCH IT.
Unsigned act of the year goes to Nest Of Vipers.
Female fronted, balls out, metal. Hannah is an amazing vocalist, Ed Van Bart is a magnificent bass player & as for their drummer Alan Chetcuti, he’s a monster behind the kit & makes it look effortless. Sadly they lost their guitarist earlier this year but 2017 is shaping up to be a good year for them.
The Courtesans produced the best self released E.P of the year with Better Safe Than Sober
& as described by yours truly it really is 20 minutes of break shit & fuck on the floor music.
Full length self release goes to Echotape & their album Wicked Way.
It’s been 6 months since I reviewed the album & it never gets boring & it’s an essential independent purchase too.
2016 has been an absolute bitch of year with quite a few rock n roll celebrity deaths. Some of which were a surprise (Prince was only 57) to the inevitable (Leonard Cohen who was 87). those we have lost will ALWAYS be remembered as their music has been immortalized. It’s always a shame to lose a legend of the music business, but keep this in mind. Those people have lived a life that a few of us dream of, they have put their bodies through who knows what abuse. Not only on stage but off it to. They have given their all with their performances & recordings & it’s just their time to fade away & leave us with amazing memories & of course their musical legacy.