Matt Mitchell And The Cold Hearts – Self Titled Album Review

Matt Mitchell And The Cold Hearts – Self Titled Album Review

11th February 2019 0 By Jon Deaux

Matt Mitchell (Furyon, Pride, Colour Of Noise) is one hell of a vocalist and seems to have a way of always making spectacular debut albums.

Matt has gone from strength to strength. From the AOR/MOR of Pride, the heaviness of Furyon and then onto the AC/DC tinged Colour Of Noise, Matt Mitchell and the Cold Hearts is much more what the double M is all about.

The lead track from the album Black Diamonds isn’t a fair representation of the album.
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There is so much more to this record. It’s a proper melodic rock album, and what proper melodic rock album would it be without power ballads. Well, it has them. Dare You To Watch, Old Enough and Ugly Enough are prime examples of this (think Poison Every Rose mixed with any power ballad by Bon Jovi and you have a rough idea).

I absolutely adore Matts voice and it’s come along in leaps and bounds. Especially since blowing his voice out a few years ago (which must’ve been tough for Matt to stay silent for so long and take a lot of time off gigging etc). But it’s really done him good. Much more tone, and dare I say, soulfulness.

The musicians on the album are good, Matt Cherry (drums) who locks in with Dom Ladd (bass(, Mauro Laconi (guitar) and Stevie Watts who lays down some amazing Hammond sounding keys.

Matt Mitchell and the Cold Hearts record is very much like an onion (many layers,) although it won’t make you cry.

This is a solid debut album and it’ll be interesting to hear it live
Score 7/10
Track List
1. Black Diamonds
2. Home
3. On & On
4. Dare You To Watch
5. Kings & Queens
6. Unavailable
7. Do You Wanna Be My God
8. Old Enough & Ugly Enough
9. Wave Goodbye
10. Everything To You
11. Keep Me Safe
12. Waiting For The Sun

 Label is currently unknown at the time of writing but the release date is the 19th April 2019. Keep your eyes peeled HERE for all the latest gossip from Matt Mitchell and the Cold Hearts

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