Sari Schorr’s Haunting but Inspiring Video, Showing New York During Lockdown, Hits 50k Views
20th May 2020The story of “Ordinary Life” is a story of hope seen through the eyes of everyday New Yorkers doing their best to live ordinary lives. It’s a story of resilience and strength. A story that belongs to us all.
Back in 2016, New York soul & blues singer-songwriter, Sari Schorr released ‘Ordinary Life’ – a single off her debut album ‘A Force of Nature’ (Manhaton Records, 2016). Four years later, she rereleased the track, for good reasons, with a new self-shot video: because today – in the here and now of 2020 – life has changed. That’s meant that our lives have become anything but ordinary.
“Ordinary Life” has clearly resonated with many people around the world as views of the video continue to surge. There were over 50,000 views as of this morning.
As Sari herself explains, When I set out to make the video, it was to overcome the challenge of being grounded in New York, unable to tour. The idea was that if I couldn’t reach my fans, I could invite them to my world through scenes of an isolated New York City in lockdown. But everything changed the moment a solitary man walked across the screen. I realised the story I wanted to share was how ordinary people were making the best out of what they could not change.
“Ordinary Life’s’ original message of gratitude and appreciation for life’s simple moments throws a spotlight on everything we had taken for granted before the pandemic.
Life will go on. Things will be different because we are different. I, for one, will be more grateful for an Ordinary Life.”
It’s a powerful testament to a moment in time where many learned to be grateful for everyday experiences, interactions and relationships we may have taken for granted.
Sari felt the effects of these changes from several angles. Like many artists, her live touring had to be put on hold. Performance matters to Sari – the buzz, the contact with fans, the joy of practising her art and sharing her material. Instead of hitting the road on her eagerly-anticipated European Tour, Sari found herself in New York under the new rules of lockdown and social isolation.
That gave her inspiration and spurred her to action. Sari explains it this way: “I was profoundly disappointed when our entire tour was cancelled due to COVID-19. I hardly recognized my depression. Finally, I woke up to the realization that I was not alone. Despite social distancing, I could still connect with people because — at my core – I am a storyteller with a story to be told about gratitude, hope, and resilience. I am grateful that this story – the story of us all -is resonating across the globe.”
The new fusion of song and visuals has struck a chord for many: views of the video have now exceeded 50,000 worldwide. Sari’s glimpses of The Big Apple in these strange times are fascinating and moving right now and will be in years to come, whilst the yearning to return to ordinary life, expressed in the song, speaks to many and gives them comfort and hope.
Fans and many other have seen hope in the song and video.
As Kira Grunenberg (of Throw the Dice & Play Nice) put it: “It’s a reminder that yes, things are different right now, there is a hard road ahead, but people are facing the day with their best feet forward and in that way, New York City as seen here, retains its fortitude to carry on, living differently but just turning around and making that difference part of the new ordinary.