Singer Songwriter Olivia Hyde of Bad Pollyana Talks Pets
24th January 2021Bad Pollyana are a dark and broody band from Huddersfield UK. Fortunately for us, vocalist Olivia Hyde has a softer side. We caught up with her for a chat.

Well, I had just moved in with my band’s bassist Nikki Kontinen when a feral cat moved in with us and had two kittens behind our TV. Naturally we kept all three of them! Ruby, the mother, sadly died several years ago but her two babies- Orla and Frodo are now 9 years old. They have been one of the only constants in my life throughout all that time.
When I moved in with my partner Andre last year we quickly acted on our plan to get a dog. We got a Newfoundland puppy and named her Bungle because she looks so much like a bear. I now don’t have the slightest clue what we’d do without her. She’s my rock, my therapy, my best friend.
What’s the weirdest thing you have done with your pet?
I suppose it’d have to be me making her wear a pink neckerchief with the words “Bungle’s Birthday” on it and making her a peanut butter cake for her first birthday.

What is the best trick you’ve taught Bungle?
I trained her to be able to find Andre! It’s just a hide and seek game that she absolutely loves…but once I used it for real because I couldn’t find him yet his car was parked outside our house!
How have your pets helped being at home for you during this pandemic?
Bungle is by and large an angel really. She’s just so sweet and gentle. Of course she does our tree in from time to time but we are just absolutely besotted with her. Andre has two kids who live with us half the time and they’re totally in love with her too. Just taking her out for walks has done us all the world of good. As for Orla and Frodo, we have cuddles in bed every morning and it’s a lovely way to start the day.

Animals over people
Being an animal lover, do you prefer animals over people?
I have always preferred animals to people. They’re just so much easier and you don’t have to think of things to say or worry about what their thinking. I love disproportionately love donkeys…I’m not sure why…but I pretty much love all animals.
Are you one of those people that puts poor Bungle into costumes?
Touchy subject! I bought Bungle the most adorable yellow raincoat when she was a baby but she grew out of it before it even arrived. Since then just the offending pink birthday neckerchief.
Do they like it when you practise at home or has your pet had any influence on your music?
My cats, naturally, couldn’t give a shit…but Bungle loves to sit me with when I’m writing at the piano. She doesn’t much mind what I’m playing as long as she gets to sit with me.
Who looks after your pet whilst you’re away on tour/holiday?
My mum lives in the annex and she calls Bungle her “grand-dog.”
Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline?
As far as the band are concerned I think we’ve done well to get The Escape single out last year! I embraced 2020 as the year I finally kickstarted my solo project as, let’s face it, what better time? So at the end of last year I released an album of piano demos and allowed everyone who bought it to vote on which ones made the final cut. Now at the beginning of 2021 I have launched a Patreon: www.patreon.com/oliviahyde so that I can take my fans on the journey from demos to first solo album. It’s very exciting to be doing something so different from Bad Pollyanna and get the chance to be a musician as well as a singer.
Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?
Thank you so much. Without you I’d just be a weirdo with a piano, singing songs about death and rebirth to no one.
Thank you for your time Olivia.