Black Label Society – Grimmest Hits

Black Label Society – Grimmest Hits

25th January 2018 0 By Suzie Rottencrotch

Taking a break from Black Sabbath tribute band, Zakk Sabbath, our Mr. Wylde has returned to give us Black Label Society’s Grimmest Hits. Unlike what the title might betray, Grimmest Hits is not a compilation album, but an entirely new tracklist. Black Label Society has always been a labour of love and adoration for its influences, from sick Iommi-licks to Zakk’s near perfect vocal shrinage of Layne Staley’s goat-like croon. If you’re at all acquainted with Black Label Society, you will know that thread of sonic ghostery throughout. Grimmest Hits is a tightening of this sound.

There is something real smooth and easy-going about this album. There are no jarring points, but neither are there any groundbreaking points. Zakk and Dario Lorina, second guitarist, play off each other with relaxed ease, almost extensions of one another. From beginning to end, there aren’t any parts that the listener would want to skip; rather, Grimmest Hits is a perfect kick-back-on-a-porch-with-a-beer, real chill kind of album.

Black Label Society often plays itself as a spiritual successor of its influences, and Grimmest Hits carries on the torch rather proudly.

The licks are thick, and the mood is legit. The only drawback to this album really, is that it doesn’t much keep one’s attention. There is nothing groundbreaking or novel going on with Grimmest Hits. This is very much metal within its safest element. Whether one feels that detracts from the album or not is really up to the subjectivity of the listener and their own personal emotions.

One thing is always for sure with Black Label Society: this band is dependable.[su_youtube url=””][/su_youtube]

Score: 6.8/10


01. Trampled Down Below
02. Seasons Of Falter
03. The Betrayal
04. All That Once Shined
05. The Only Words
06. Room Of Nightmares
07. A Love Unreal
08. Disbelief
09. The Day That Heaven Had Gone Away
10. Illusions Of Peace
11. Bury Your Sorrow
12. Nothing Left To Say

Release Date
19th January 2018

For all things Black Label Society click HERE and to purchase the album click HERE


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